Recent content by OldGnome

  1. O

    What is the biggest problem in Final Frontier

    I have never seen the need to micromanage every planet. I treat every star system as though it has a single planet. If someone could give me some solid input, I'd be willing to change my approach.
  2. O

    What is the biggest problem in Final Frontier

    So what I am seeing as a problem is "working as designed?"
  3. O

    What is the biggest problem in Final Frontier

    OK, that makes sense. However, since I can set each star system to produce Wealth, Influence or Research, it would make more sense to me that setting the Influence slider at 0% would work the same as it does for Wealth and Research. It doesn't.
  4. O

    What is the biggest problem in Final Frontier

    The speed with which my cultural borders increase is not an issue. In my most recent game in this mod, toward the end of the game almost all of my star systems were producing Wealth to pay for 350+ Influence points per turn, but the slider was at 0%.
  5. O

    Final Frontier: Problems & Issues (Post-3.13 Update Available)

    I have found that Final Frontier seems to ignore my Influence setting of 0%. I never play for a Influence win, but in the latter stages of a game, I am forced to produce wealth to pay for large Influence increases. Is this intentional?
  6. O

    What is the biggest problem in Final Frontier

    I am unhappy with the way influence works in FF. I don't play the influence or cultural games, yet I am always stuck in the later game stages with having to keep churning out wealth to pay for influence.... and the slider is set to 0%. I don't know if this is a bug or an intentional setting.
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