Recent content by OldMansWar

  1. OldMansWar

    Hall of Fame wipe or clean out?

    How can I clear or wipe my Hall of Fame? I have a ton of finished games with a variety of scores and leaders. I looked in the "Replay" folder but there is nothing there to modify. Thanks!
  2. OldMansWar

    Workers stop improving!

    I complete a turn. "Next Turn" is up and I click on it...but suddenly "Unit needs orders" ===> a worker that had been ordered to do an improvement or road is standing still! What gives? Are they on a coffee break? I RE-ORDER them to their task, click on Next Turn and I finally get my next...
  3. OldMansWar

    Research stops after winning/trading for Monarchy

    Everytime I win a city and get Monarchy, or trade for Monarchy WHILE currently researching it my research STOPS on next turn. I cannot start any research by changing Taxes/Science/Wealth in any way. What is the glitch?
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