Recent content by OwlRaider

  1. O

    A Complete Guide to Achievements (Civ V)

    Thanks, completely forgot about pre BNW Civ 5 :o
  2. O

    A Complete Guide to Achievements (Civ V)

    How are the Policy Achievements supposed to be unlocked for the ideologies? Seeing that the tree limits you to 4 level 2 policies thus you can never unlock them all in a single game.
  3. O

    BNW Deity Tier List

    It's called the Monte Carlo method in computer science and it's indeed as close as it gets for a computer to mimic a human's thought process. Basically the AI runs a predetermined number of simulations acting in a purely random manner as long as it abides by a predetermined set of rules. Than it...
  4. O

    Terracotta Rush

    Seems like an awful lot of work for very little gain. In general you don't want to diversify your army too much, you want to use what works best and use a lot of it, especially in the early game. So rather than getting an archer, a comp bow, a spearman and a pikeman I'd much rather hard build as...
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    I Don't Get It - America Domination Attempts

    America is a civilization without any early advantages through their UU nor UA, therefore you're playing as plainly as you can. Start with a 4 city tradition opening and do a normal composite rush. If you have a 2nd neighbor nearby take him out as well. While warring your neighbors, preferably 1...
  6. O

    Strongest civs for each victory type?

    Science: Babylon/Korea Diplomacy: Siam/Greece Culture: Ethiopia Domination: Arabia/Mongols
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    Going from King - Emporer, optimizing settings, using Korea. Help!

    Korea is the best civilization for science victories bar none. The easiest way to do that is the 4 city tradition opener, but an ICS/REX start is also viable as Korea, as you'll have more scientists to benefit from your UA and as a whole it doesn't really matter how you get your population, be...
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    First two Ages at Bismarck.

    The easiest tactic to use with Bismarck is to use the standard 4 city tradition opener, beeline to construction and get a solid number of composites up than beeline civil service which is on the way to education anyway and get some of your unique pikemen which build extremely quickly. If you can...
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    Tips for Dealing w/Great Wall w/o Waiting for Dynamite

    It's not ironic because the great wall failed in holding off the Mongols and eventually the Mongols managed to conquer all of China and create the Yuan Dynasty in China.
  10. O

    Naval strategy

    As you said, it depends on the map, but yes generally more attacks>more range, that goes for both ranged ships and ranged land units. However restricting terrain can always tip the favor for range, did I mentioned it's map dependent?
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    Naval strategy

    Well, it very much depends on the map. For Archipelago/Small Islands maps I like to take civilizations with early naval UU/UA, especially Carthage and the Ottomans, get my navy going early and getting it promoted early on to create a beastly navy later on. While the Byzantines have the best...
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    Expanding on Emperor

    Well, he can still have a reasonable NC time even when going wide. As long as he doesn't sacrifice everything else in order to go wide there's no reason why he shouldn't be able to get NC up with 3-4 cities than continue to grow wide rather than stop expanding like you would in a tall game...
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    Expanding on Emperor

    1. Arabia and the Mayans are probably the best civs for going wide, but you can do it with almost every civ. 2. Preferably after you get Collective Rule, to cut the down needed to build the settlers. 3. Going wide rather than tall shouldn't change your overall strategy by much. You can still...
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    Thought on my strategy?

    Swords and Catapults make for a weak early game army but transition much better into the modern era, where Riflemen/GWI+Artillery rules the battlefield. The problem is that if you go for IW+Math you will struggle with your science and you'll delay entering the modern era by too much to make this...
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    Byzantine Religion Builds

    It depends on whether you're playing a peaceful Culture/Science game or a warmongering Domination game. For peaceful games the above ideas are great. For Domination games these can obviously work very well too, but if you want something less conventional and more exciting you can go with Just...
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