Recent content by pashaintel

  1. P

    AI don't train new unit

    Please help me. I added new unit in my mod. It can do new command. I added new missionAI and new UNITAI. My new unitai do new mission ai successfully. But i have problem. AI don't want to train new unit. Can anybody write here exact order how ai choose city production?
  2. P


    If i use CvUtil.pyPrint(iBuilding) my popup doesn't launch. I try to use popup.setBodyString(localText.getText(str(iBuilding), ())) On clicking Palace I see (0,) , on clicking Granary - (13,) , on clicking Lighthouse - (20,) , on clicking Courthouse - (67,) , etc...
  3. P


    Yes! I found mistake. It should be popup.setUserData(iBuilding) Now it works correctly. But i have new problem:). When i try to use gc.getBuildingInfo(iBuilding).getDescription() to get building name, my popup doesn't launch again. I'm in shock:eek: . What's wrong?
  4. P


    'destroyBuilding' :self.onDestroyBuilding, That's link. CvUtil.EventDestroyBuilding : ('DestroyBuilding', self.__eventDestroyBuildingApply, self.__eventDestroyBuildingBegin), I see my popup if i delete popup.setUserData((iBuilding.getID(),)). That's why i think the problem is in dll...
  5. P


    Guys, can anybody help me with popups? Can I launch my popup by right-clicking on building in building-list on the city screen? I want to add some options for each building, and i want to use a city screen for it. I use CvDLLWidgetData::executeAction : case WIDGET_HELP_BUILDING...
  6. P

    Protected function...

    Please help me! I have problem with compiling my dll. CvPlayer.cpp(12815) : error C2352: 'CvDeal::startTeamTrade' : illegal call of non-static member function How can I call the function 'CvDeal::startTeamTrade' if it is protected?
  7. P

    Improvement's upgrade

    xienwolf,you're right. I decided this problem. My code is working. This function is getting called in CvGame.cpp. Thank you for help.
  8. P

    Improvement's upgrade

    Thanks,but I recompiled DLL and moved it to mod directory. Even Cottages don't grow if plot isn't being worked(do i write clealy?). So my fort in city radius grow to fort2 if plot is being worked only. And it isn't result what i want.
  9. P

    Improvement's upgrade

    There is code from CvPlot.cpp: void CvPlot::doImprovementUpgrade() { if (getImprovementType() != NO_IMPROVEMENT) { ImprovementTypes eImprovementUpdrade = (ImprovementTypes)GC.getImprovementInfo(getImprovementType()).getImprovementUpgrade(); if (eImprovementUpdrade != NO_IMPROVEMENT)...
  10. P

    Improvement's upgrade

    I tried to change CvPlot.cpp, but my changes don't work. That's why I asked this question. Yes, I'm ready :)
  11. P

    Improvement's upgrade

    I added Fort2 and Fort3 in CIV4ImprovementInfos.xml. Fort can be upgraded in fort2 like cottage can be upgraded in hamlet. Yes, i want it,but can't to do. Sorry for my english.
  12. P

    Improvement's upgrade

    Does anybody know how to change sdk code to upgrade improvements not only in city boards? Thanks.
  13. P

    Player's name

    Oh? YES!!!!!! I did it!! EmperorFool and falconne! Great thanks for help. There is really working code: CvWString fplname; fplname = "Peter"; CvWString name(GET_PLAYER(getOwnerINLINE()).getName()); if (name == fplname ) { ... my code ...; }
  14. P

    Player's name

    Unfortunately, it don't work: CvCity.cpp(4309) : error C2039: 'getPlayerINLINE' : is not a member of 'CvGlobals' d:\¬®Ё ЁЈал\sid meier's civilization 4\beyond the sword\mods\experiments\cvgamecoredll\CvGlobals.h(134) : see declaration of 'CvGlobals'...
  15. P

    Player's name

    Allways: return m_aszLeaderName[eID] == friend;
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