Recent content by pay-t

  1. pay-t

    DLC 6 Anticipation Thread

    You know what would be grand? And Indian Ocean Trade scenario. A Swahili nation, India and Indonesia/Siam having to earn the most in trade while avoiding pirates and other interference. That would be grand. I always believed there would be two African civs this "summer," and this would be an...
  2. pay-t

    What would your DLC Civ pack look like.

    I think DLC-packs will be more scenario focused and less expansive. They'll add a new mechanic, build a scenario around it and add some corresponding civilizations and leaders. I'd do an exploration dlc à la the one for CIV V. New civs: Inca for the South American Natives Cherokee for the...
  3. pay-t

    Leaderscreens - Observations

    As with Civ IV, William's background is based on the typical painting style by Vermeer, whose usage of light always gives a chamber a very homey feel. Windows on the left, as usual!
  4. pay-t

    Natural Wonder Request Thread

    Europe Caves of Mount Saint Peter (3 production, 1 culture) Kjeragbolten (2 science, 2 gold) Rip Mountain (2 faith, 2 food)
  5. pay-t

    - deleted thread -

    Another expansion Civilization set I came up with. If they were to go with the Religious city states idea. A set of Civilizations with a very religion-aimed policy. Tibet (Gendun Drup, the first Dalai Lama) Inca (Pachacuti) Byzantium (Constantine) Armenia (Tiridates) Israel (Solomon or David)
  6. pay-t

    - deleted thread -

    That is true, and it has often been, but let's not get into that right now :D
  7. pay-t

    - deleted thread -

    Let's see this in a category form, since all the expansions have one or another. With different leaderheads then (than?) they had before, since that seems to be a trend now. Seafaring: The Netherlands (Johan de Witt or William III) Spain (Charles V) Norse/Vikings (Canute)...
  8. pay-t

    Civilization Request Thread

    The Netherlands: Belgium: Others will follow if I come up with them, I also have to get to know this CIv V modding
  9. pay-t

    Status and "To Do" List

    Welly, welly, well. I've just installed the thing, and am ready to play. So I guess I'll see the actual content in about 15 minutes:p
  10. pay-t

    Status and "To Do" List

    The Belgium in the mod, is that homebrewn? Because I already had a "half-decent" mod made of it:goodjob:. Anyway, I am downloading it now, see if I like it, which I probably will.
  11. pay-t


    Maybe I can do something with this. I don't have that much to do the coming 2 months. I won't promise anything though, I am lazy:p
  12. pay-t


    Historical Flanders or current Flanders? I won't do the current one because I don't want to meddle in your civil war;)
  13. pay-t


    Actually, we Limburgers want to be independent ;). The "patriotism" we have is only due to lack of an own country. In my PayCivs I have added Leopold II to the civ, though it's BtS only.
  14. pay-t

    Funny Pix XIV : Xtreme IntraVenous Hilarity!

    Especially not when they live in an Austrian-cellar.
  15. pay-t

    Status and "To Do" List

    @ AZIMOV Vatican would be a bit hard to do since it only includes Vatican City. If, on the other hand, you would use the Papal State you'd have a larger city collection. Just saying. I also offer a nice bit of civs for this, if you'd ever need any of 'em. Anyway, looking forward to Nature...
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