Recent content by pavelbel

  1. P

    [Col] Colonization (1994) SAV files decoder and encoder

    Hi Bladrov! Sorry for not answering. I'm a bit far from this Col theme. Maybe I'll return to it in several months (years...) but now I honestly have little interest in developing the utilities. My last idea was to make a new advisor utility for realtime monitoring of the game status: it should...
  2. P

    [Col] Names.txt Alterations Discussion and Examples

    I've removed Benjamin Franklin from FFathers. I think his function is overpowered and makes the game boring: it's always more interesting and challenging to play when everyone can declare war to you, or your king can make you do it (especially when you are not ready for it at all).
  3. P

    [Col] Decoding Colonization SAV files (1994 / Old / Classic)

    I always play on Governor diff level and I've seen it happen regularly. I wouldn't say "often", but regularly - that is. Though I do not rely on it and I've never ever waited for a certain colonist to become Master ... Planter.
  4. P

    [Col] Decoding Colonization SAV files (1994 / Old / Classic)

    Sure a tool could be made. But we need to know the algo first. I've no idea how to get it right now. BTW colonists sometimes receive "new-world-only" specialties themselves without a teacher after several turns of practice. So it seems that this problem is not that big.
  5. P

    [Col] Colonization (1994) SAV files decoder and encoder

    Oh, you've also corrected my favourite mistakes (it's... its... :shifty:). Thanks! I'll add it to the repo and and include into the next release.
  6. P

    [Col] Colonization (1994) SAV files decoder and encoder

    It's not a requirement. Windows is quite immune to it, so why not: if you write smth like "../COLONIZE" it is ok for both Win and Linux. Yes, "." and ".." should work fine. You are free to do it. Though I think it's not a big deal to setup the correct COLONIZE path for almost everyone...
  7. P

    [Col] Colonization (1994) SAV files decoder and encoder

    Thank you for testing! Yes, you're right about colonize_path on Linux. It's up to user to set it correctly. "D:/Games/" - it's just my setting. I think it'd be better to set colonize_path's default value to "." (current folder), so that user could just place smcol_saves_utility's...
  8. P

    [Col] Colonization (1994) SAV files decoder and encoder

    I've also uploaded Linux x86-64 binaries. Could you please test it?
  9. P

    [Col] Colonization (1994) SAV files decoder and encoder

    Version 1.3 released! New features: Editor: Adjust Royal Expeditionary Force size: reinforce (if you love pain), nerf (if you like weak enemies) or disband it (if you want peaceful independence) Add 4-th, 5-th etc specialist to manufactures: welcome to big industrial colonies! Can you supply...
  10. P

    [Col] Sid Meier's Colonization Official Strategy Guide

    Indian tribes trading with each other... wow! That's interesting, thanks! Never read it.
  11. P

    [Col] Decoding Colonization SAV files (1994 / Old / Classic)

    Nice catch. I've never tried RNG-fixed version. It's definitely not ONE tile: with my enc_decode_sav utility i tried altering village's several surrounding tiles (forest, deforest, vary base terrain type) and the teaching spec changed almost every time. (To be more precise: it always changed...
  12. P

    [Col] Decoding Colonization SAV files (1994 / Old / Classic)

    Hi @Skye! That's an interesting investigation, thank you! At first I tought that there was a list inside each SAV file with coordinates of each prime resource tile. But @Pifou42 shown that they are scattered according to some pattern that has some kind of staring seed. That's why it is not...
  13. P

    [Col] Colonization (1994) SAV files decoder and encoder

    Ok, I've updated the source code: 1) SAV files lists are now displayed alphabetically 2) HARDY pionner requirement is now optional (adjusted by a new value plant_forest_hardy_pio_need in smcol_sav_settings.json file) 3) No need to enter tile's coordinates when reforesting a tile with the active...
  14. P

    [Col] Decoding Colonization SAV files (1994 / Old / Classic)

    Hi! Could you please post here a SAV file with 38 colonies? I'll try to check whether it is possible to increase this number. I'm an old Col fan too, but I had never had so many colonies - it always annoys me to manage them all. And plus one question: is it still possible to capture AI's...
  15. P

    [Col] Colonization (1994) SAV files decoder and encoder

    You know, it's my mistake too: it definitely must show SAV files list alphabetically. But I haven't double-checked. I'll fix it.
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