Recent content by PlotinusRedux

  1. PlotinusRedux

    OBSOLETE: Civ 6 Mod Manager (Experimental)

    @Regul, it's still needed in some form to make mods that import the same files compatible by merging those files, but it will need significant changes to deal with the Workshop and changes to the .modinfo files. I wouldn't recommend using it in its current form.
  2. PlotinusRedux

    Show Diplomatic Deals - CQUI Compatibility

    Now compatible with CQUI.
  3. PlotinusRedux

    Show Diplomatic Deals

    PlotinusRedux updated Show Diplomatic Deals with a new update entry: CQUI Compatibility Read the rest of this update entry...
  4. PlotinusRedux

    District Cost Mod - Summer Patch Update

    Summer Patch Update
  5. PlotinusRedux

    District Cost Mod

    PlotinusRedux updated District Cost Mod with a new update entry: Summer Patch Update Read the rest of this update entry...
  6. PlotinusRedux

    Build Envoys with Holy District Project

    PlotinusRedux updated Build Envoys with Holy District Project with a new update entry: Summer Patch Update Read the rest of this update entry...
  7. PlotinusRedux

    Show Diplomatic Deals - Summer Patch Update

    Summer Patch Update
  8. PlotinusRedux

    Show Diplomatic Deals

    PlotinusRedux updated Show Diplomatic Deals with a new update entry: Summer Patch Update Read the rest of this update entry...
  9. PlotinusRedux

    Plot's Roads and Movement - Summer Patch Update

    Update for Summer Patch.
  10. PlotinusRedux

    Plot's Roads and Movement

    PlotinusRedux updated Plot's Roads and Movement with a new update entry: Summer Patch Update Read the rest of this update entry...
  11. PlotinusRedux

    Better Roads?

    @Magil Thanks, I gave up a while ago and just wrote my own, .
  12. PlotinusRedux

    Putting baby in the corner

    I had to stitch this together from multiple screen shots even using the More Zoom mod: Note I'm getting severely cheated on science and culture per turn: Large screenshot wrapped in spoiler tags. Jon
  13. PlotinusRedux

    Encampments not very useful

    "Useless" and "sub-optimal" are different. I like the XP bonus because I like leveling up my units faster, not because that's necessarily the most efficient way to win the game, but because I enjoy leveling up my units as an end in itself. I set a number of goals for myself like getting a unit...
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