Recent content by pozz

  1. P

    Unique Improvement Elimination Thread

    Brazilwood Camp - 1 Comes too late for it to be truly worthwhile. Chateau - 21 Feitoria - 18 Kasbah - 17 Polder - 13 Terrace Farm - 27 Amazing food generation while maintaining high production, makes you wish all your lots were hills :D
  2. P

    Unique Unit Elimination Thread

    African Forest Elephant 21 B17 21 Ballista 11 Battering Ram 25 Berber Cavalry 21 Berserker 20 Bowmen 6 Camel Archer 25 Carolean 26 Cataphract 22 Chu-Ko-Nu 29 Comanche Rider 13 Companion Cavalry 20 Conquistador 22 Cossack 22 Great Galleass 14 Dromon 16 Hakkapeliitta 1 -3 Hoplite 9 Horse Archer 21...
  3. P

    Wfy would Maria build the Great Mosque of Djenne?

    I've had that happen 2 games ago. Morocco built Petra... The strange thing? They built it in their 2nd (or 3rd) city, which only desert tile was underneath the city, while their capital had 2 or 3 spots that was not desert not including the floodplains of which I can't remember how many there...
  4. P

    When advising, show your skill

    Oh I didn't read it as "lawls, I'm like deity so all you scrubs listen to me" at all ;) Most important really is for people to ask for advice for "insert difficulty here", generally I think people wont advice people above their own skill level, and as said, if they do my guess is 'someone...
  5. P

    When advising, show your skill

    But will "deity player" actually prove anything, I mean, I might be a settler and can easily write that if I want to. People might sometimes place wrong, or inefficient advice, and I often see those things discussed. I see this as a good thing as it helps awareness in general. Discussion is...
  6. P

    Are Bananas Bad?

    Yeah but it does that whether you improve it or not. Worst part to me about bananas is that jungles are things you REALLY want to take use of. It's not that bananas are bad in my eyes, I'd just much rather have had any other bonus resource in the tundra/forest/grassland/plain/whatever...
  7. P

    trouble with Steam and BNW

    I'd suggest you to ask for help on steamforums if you haven't already done so. Otherwise try deleting all content and install on a fresh (should be a last solution) is the best I got :P
  8. P

    Do you build monuments when going for tradition?

    Pre-BNW always b, post-BNW always a. The amphi rush has become less important, the gold/turn more important, landed elite alpha omega for a strong capital and production time can be spent on something else, make the basic units you need and go granary asap as well for better growth, or shrine...
  9. P

    Cahokia: Don't mess with me!

    Would love to see an expansion focusing mainly(although not entirely) on CS alliances and tweakings. =)
  10. P

    Culture buildings should produce more culture!

    Personally I'd prefer it giving only +1 culture, but that'd most likely require social policy costs amongst others to be cheaper, and tradition opener would all of a sudden require a lot more awesome, which it really doesn't need. I feel like I get enough social policies throughout the game...
  11. P

    Unique Unit Elimination Thread

    African Forest Elephant 20 Atlatist 20 B17 20 Ballista 20 Battering Ram 20 Berber Cavalry 20 Berserker 20 Bowmen 20 Camel Archer 20 Carolean 20 Cataphract Chu-Ko-Nu 22 Comanche Rider 20 Companion Cavalry 20 Conquistador 20 Great Galleass 20 Hakkapeliitta 20 Hoplite 18 Horse Archer 20 Hussar 20...
  12. P

    Cahokia: Don't mess with me!

    I love it when this happens. I always make small skirmishes near Ghengis Khan when he starts close to me in the hopes CS will take his cities :D
  13. P

    Hiawatha doing what he does best

    I'll give this a go with IGE(to add a worker and remake the surroundings to fit that of the screenshot) and on settler later =) I guess that seeing that both of his 'middle' cities are 2, he may have produced a settler in one of those.
  14. P

    Hiawatha doing what he does best

    I did read the thread, and the op clearly states that on immortal the AI only starts with one settler. I took this as a fact, seeing how I skipped immortal difficulty altogether.
  15. P

    Shoshone missing ruins?

    I would go for it even though you usually play at lower difficulty, the start is ridiculous so it's a good way to get an 'easy' introduction to Emperor =)
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