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Recent content by ProphetMaster

  1. ProphetMaster

    The things in the game you really need to get better at

    I do not do enough exploring beyond ancient era. I fall behind in the middle game but not sure why -- maybe because I do not build enough city plaza buildings.
  2. ProphetMaster

    [R&F] Anyone think Korea is OP?

    I have been playing Korea exclusively. At least at Prince level, it is easy to get ahead of the world in military research and win by domination or space race. Too easy. So what I am trying to do now is win without ever declaring a war on anybody. That seems much harder (!!!), but seems more...
  3. ProphetMaster

    [R&F] Rise and Fall General Discussion Thread

    Will the user manual be available before February 8?
  4. ProphetMaster

    [R&F] Rise and Fall General Discussion Thread

    I think I will try to beeline to special military unit for Korea. It is a ranged unit with 50 Strength. They should be very good for city defense while I focus everything else on extending my lead in science. We'll see how that works.
  5. ProphetMaster

    [R&F] Rise and Fall General Discussion Thread

    I am going to play as Korea. They will be the strongest civ for science. I will win the space race if the Monguls do not kill me. Their Cavalry can move up to 6 tiles per turn -- that is ridiculous.
  6. ProphetMaster

    Who do you play as?

    Sumeria always.
  7. ProphetMaster

    Let's talk about opening moves

    Opening moves depend on what leader you are playing. I play Gilgamesh. At any level from Immortal or less, you just build an army of warcarts and take over the continent. That does not work so well at Deity. You can take one or two cities but then have to remobilize. At least, that has been...
  8. ProphetMaster

    War Carts

    Actually, they promote to Knights in the middle game and Tanks in the late game. These are both solid promotions for those eras.
  9. ProphetMaster

    War Carts

    The reason I always play Gilgamesh is that I do not want to play against him.
  10. ProphetMaster

    War Carts

    That's true. If you can run trade route through the rainforest, that helps.
  11. ProphetMaster

    War Carts

    I just tried my first Deity game. I took out the barb huts right off the bat to give my WC's some promotion points and to get the barbs under control. That was okay, But then I made a strategic blunder by not waiting to see which city state to attack. You have to do what I did in my last...
  12. ProphetMaster

    War Carts

    I will try that next time. I had a total of 30 trade routes and split them among the 3 cities building Spaceports. The last one turned out to be pretty much useless.
  13. ProphetMaster

    War Carts

    I did something similar in this game. Arabia declared on a city state very quickly. I sent all my Warcarts over there, waited until just before the city fell, declared on it myself and took it in one turn, then declared immediately on Arabia while his warriors were still damaged from the siege...
  14. ProphetMaster

    War Carts

    I just won at Immortal with a Science victory. I did not build any early campus districts. Instead, I spammed Warcarts and took over whole continent except a couple city states I need for trades. That is also what I have done at lower levels. With the largest empire (by a mile), you will...
  15. ProphetMaster

    War Carts

    I play Gilgamesh exclusively. Use the War Carts to take over the continent from the start. Go to Mercenaries to get the cheap upgrade, and then promote them to Knights. The Knights later promote to Tanks with lots of experience points to boot. I just won a Domination game at Emperor with...
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