Recent content by queenpea

  1. queenpea

    Official announcement: Hot off the presses. Next Civ game in development!!!!!!!

    Yeah I wasn't saying it's surprising or unexpected. Just kind of a bummer meaning it leads me to believe the game is farther off than what we had originally, and perhaps over optimistically, hoped for.
  2. queenpea

    Official announcement: Hot off the presses. Next Civ game in development!!!!!!!

    The lack of any new updates is kind of a bummer. Would love for a little hint or a nod to the community, if only to have something to look forward to. =682210&hash=d6b66b92f988f4b3436871d83daeb4b1']Attach files
  3. queenpea

    Thank you!

    Thank you!
  4. queenpea

    [LP] Leader Pass: Duel of the Devs - 4/12 Livestream Discussion (Hosted by Kevin Schultz)

    For sure! It was all definitely just for fun. I guess it was just a bit short on the "fun" part.
  5. queenpea

    [LP] Leader Pass: Duel of the Devs - 4/12 Livestream Discussion (Hosted by Kevin Schultz)

    File it under “should have known better” — not thrilling gameplay IMO.
  6. queenpea

    [LP] Leader Pass: Duel of the Devs - 4/12 Livestream Discussion (Hosted by Kevin Schultz)

    This is correct. All I can say about the livestream is that it definitely was a live stream. And no Civ VII news.
  7. queenpea

    [LP] Leader Pass: Duel of the Devs - 4/12 Livestream Discussion (Hosted by Kevin Schultz)

    You didn't miss much. Ed, as Julius Caesar, attacks Carl, as Ludwig, and while attacking, leaves his cities undefended and is defeated by a City State. One of the shortest Civ games I have ever watched.
  8. queenpea

    [LP] Leader Pass: Duel of the Devs - 4/13 Livestream Event Announcement

    I'm not particularly interested in watching them play as JC again as we've seen that already.
  9. queenpea

    Official announcement: Hot off the presses. Next Civ game in development!!!!!!!

    ((BRACING MYSELF)) for some expected foolery on the CivGame Twitter feed tomorrow as it's April 1...
  10. queenpea

    [LP] Civilization VI: Leader Pass - Discussion Thread

    If Steam says you didn't win with Ludwig, did you actually win with Ludwig?
  11. queenpea

    [LP] Civilization VI: Leader Pass - Discussion Thread

    I don't know why it bums me out not to get new achievements, especially for the leader game wins, but it does.
  12. queenpea

    Official announcement: Hot off the presses. Next Civ game in development!!!!!!!

    Wow, that's kind of big news -- this definitely changes the calendar.
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