Recent content by rkkn

  1. R

    Revealing Resources

    Rather than my starting location, what I dislike about the hidden resources is that it makes tech research random. My first few techs have a randomized reward. I don't think that is a good thing. This would be ideal imo
  2. R

    How strong AI do you like to play against?

    It would be very cool for the AI to not need bonuses to be difficult to play against.
  3. R

    New BETA Version - 4.17.8 (December 16, 2024)

    oh? does this mean the AI free vision bonus will eventually no longer be necessary?
  4. R

    Border Growth and Alternative Names

    land territory
  5. R

    (8-41) Sweden Icon

    guy on the left in b looks a lot like donald trump. Is it just me?
  6. R

    Why Tech tree is so stiff?

    is it still doable, then? because I would love to have this
  7. R

    Increased tech cost to have (much) longer games, late game techs take 1 turn to research

    can it go a bit above 200k? like, perhaps... 214,748?
  8. R

    A Discussion of Unit Maintenance Costs

    yes, I strongly favor having maintenance costs that are determined by the individual units and can vary a bit from unit to unit
  9. R

    (8-20) 4UC Inca - Tap Into City Connections, Diversify Yield Bonuses (Less Overall FOOD)

    yeah the starvation immunity thing should just be removed. a totally redundant bonus that, more importantly, feels bad, since you have no way to leverage it. And if you ever do manage to be using it, it means all your other zillion food bonus are currently negated. That feels bad for sure.
  10. R

    (8-41b) 4UC Sweden Alternative

    How does this work with regards to the land steal?
  11. R

    (8-24a) 4UC Japan - Less Katanas, More Reworks

    That's great except... this is a unique component. If it's something that's only situationally marginally better than a base component, then it's very bad. Recall that the Dojo it's replacing gives +3 :c5culture:, +3 :c5science:, plus combat bonuses. (Plus more in instant yields, though some of...
  12. R

    [DLL] (8-NS) Celts - Change to Pictish Warrior: Bonus on Kill involves Pantheon

    Pictish warriors do not keep the yield on kill ability after upgrade, so this would only be applicable to the first few eras of the game. Because of this, I do not think it should be added to the pantheons, since you have those all game long (usually), and the description would be mentioning an...
  13. R

    [DLL] (8-NS) 4UC Carthage - Asamu at Sailing instead of Tophet

    first bold line still says it replaces pioneer
  14. R

    (8-WD) Celts - Kit Rework

    this looks very cool! but since there aren't any bonuses that compensate for not having a religion, it looks far too weak in the scenario where no one spreads religion to you. aka garbo in multiplayer, as noted above
  15. R

    Let us build Citadels on Vassal's and defense pact ally's territory .

    indeed citadel in vassal land would be great. it would also be very nice if I could build and repair improvements in allied CS territory... just make sure the citadel land steal diplo penalty is applied against the one who used the citadel rather than the vassal that gains the land
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