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  • not sure 100% if its the England mod that's the cause (it could just be base game tbh), but i'm getting a consistent crash when trying to lock in legacies for modern age after playing England for exploration
    Will take a look. Thanks for the heads up. In the same parent directory as where you put mods, there’s a folder called Logs - could you send me a zip archive of those files? Will help me figure that out.
    (Or better, send me an affected save file actually)
    Hey, would you mind if I used your Sumer mod as a template for my Anasazi mod? It would be my first mod so I would copy things pretty closely. Was thinking of replacing the bronze resource with turquoise. Also, I was curious if you plan to keep 3 unique buildings in the mod? and/or if you were planning on developing a great person for the mod? All the best!
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    Reactions: RogueAustralian
    Go ahead! Keep in mind that with how unique resources work, it may not work with the Lapis Lazuli resource or bronze.
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    Reactions: mclaw
    Do you know if there is a way to use existing in-game assets for unique buildings at the moment? For example, would it be possible to represent one of your unique buildings visually with a brickyard or market? And no worries if you're not looking to answer Qs
    Without formal modding support I haven’t figured out how to use 3D assets - either original or from the game - in mods. I suspect this will have to wait until formal modding support is added. That said, I hope I’m wrong and someone tells me how to!
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    Reactions: mclaw
    I didn't realize i have to have posts on here to start a dm so if you could start the convo if it would solve that I think
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