Recent content by Ryvur

  1. R

    help with religion and era editing

    Thank you sir for the quick reply and information. I may actually have to go and just edit the cost because this is proving to be a time consuming challenge. On the other hand I have already deleted everything in Buildinginfos Techinfos leaderheadinfos and according to erainfos.xml I still...
  2. R

    help with religion and era editing

    First off, I have a mac. However most of everything appears to be the same so I am posting here. That being said, the expansion pack I have is Warlords. Ok, I am sure there are postings around that already answer my question but I am slow so I hope you guys can help me out or at least...
  3. R

    Help with religion and era editing

    First off, I have a mac. However most of everything appears to be the same so I am posting here. That being said, the expansion pack I have is Warlords. Ok, I am sure there are postings around that already answer my question but I am slow so I hope you guys can help me out or at least...
  4. R

    MY Add a Civ Tutorial

    yes that helps and I can't tell you how thankful I am that you gave your time to help me. Thanks again. I will try this all out now!! :) I can't believe I named it wrong!
  5. R

    MY Add a Civ Tutorial

    This may help
  6. R

    MY Add a Civ Tutorial

    HHMM I realize no one can help me if they dont know how. Ok. To be more specific, I can mod civilizationsinfo.xml all day long and it wouldnt do a thing on the actual mod. Is there a piece I am missing here? Do I need another reference file or ladsjfslk;djflskjf
  7. R

    MY Add a Civ Tutorial

    WOW I must be a slightly slow moron. I have followed the instructions completly (as best I could with a combo of jercell's post) and when I load up my mod... NOTHING. Its just like a regular game only, my mod title is at the top. Would someone please help me :) ?
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