Recent content by santa

  1. S

    Game restarts pc after a few turns

    No... I think Zydor is right. It needs a hardware.
  2. S

    SiS M650 Club

    I guess I'm still holding on to the idea that there's a possibility to use this game even with this SiSM650. Before I EBAY it I want to make sure it is 100% improbable. I am not yet ready to upgrade my laptopp, even for the great game like Civ IV...
  3. S

    SiS M650 Club

    If that's from the attachment above, then yes. Do you mind elaborating a bit on this -- I plan on leaving this post for other SiSM650 "victims". So, let me guess, the October SDK probably won't do any good either, right?
  4. S

    SiS M650 Club

    Sorry I typed over my old message, please see above.
  5. S

    SiS M650 Club

    I ran a dxdiag test and all test were passwed without a glitch. Report is attached. It's gotta be something else. Thanks.
  6. S

    Game restarts pc after a few turns

    Can't seem to pass past secont turn...
  7. S

    SiS M650 Club

    Hi, I've had my copy of Civ IV for just three days but already spent more time then all my previous games together trying to get it going... My laptop exceeds min requirements in term of speed and RAM. One area of concern is video card: I've got SiS M650...
  8. S

    Memory-fix by Harkonnen is out!

    Where can I get 1.09 patch? 1.52 does not do any good for me. So far I spent three days trying to launch Civ IV. I'm ready to EBAY it and go back to Civ III.
  9. S

    TnL get your facts straight (chart included)

    I see similar messages here and I happen to be in the same situation. I also have a laptop that allows watching DVDs, plays other games, incliding Civ III without any problems but I am yet to try Civ IV after three days of trying it. My minimum specs are double the capacity required, 2.4 Mhz...
  10. S

    TnL get your facts straight (chart included)

    Please delete this post. Somehow it duped the next one.
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