Recent content by scipian

  1. scipian

    How do we picture eachother?

    I don't have the nerves to actually picture the members as they probably are. Ignorance is bliss.
  2. scipian

    Should unreleased material be not-subject to copyright laws?

    Practices to the degree mentioned, like taking away copyrights as a complete and general principle, are far beyond the point of reasonableness. Yes, some regulation is required, such as occurs with medicines and a number of other issues. However, no society which wishes to continue advancing...
  3. scipian

    Should unreleased material be not-subject to copyright laws?

    You all who say that copyrights and patents should be revoked, and that individual property/intellectual rights are "fascist", are insane. Reality does not revolve around what sounds good. It is pragmatic, and actually is based on what works. Anyone with basic knowledge of economics knows that...
  4. scipian

    Free speech and first world nations

    "First-world" or "third-world" can have a number of different meanings. However, the most accepted seems to be based on pure development. Granted, originally the first-world nations were democratic, liberal governments, but that was coincidental, as only democratic liberal nations were...
  5. scipian

    education and laziness

    Students all need four years of math. Technically students can graduate with Intermediate Algebra, but those are the few who can't deal well with math. Most students end up at least with AP Statistics or AP Calculus AB, with a fair number going into Calculus BC. I took Geometry as a...
  6. scipian

    Presidential Approval (Gallup)

    And everyone knows popularity means a person is good and competent. Right...?
  7. scipian

    Andrew Jackson

    You're looking at Jackson from our day and age. Here's some news. He isn't from our day and age. You need perspective from the time he was in. He embodied what the common man wanted in that era, he fulfilled their ideals of a great man. His actions are what the people of that time believed in...
  8. scipian

    education and laziness

    I go to one of those uber-elite high schools, although it is admittedly a public one, requiring test scores and high grades for admittance. Any one of us could easily get straight A's in most any other school. Any one of us is presumably several years ahead of the average student in nearly any...
  9. scipian

    This is why I think so many people in America are...dumb

    That OP vid was a nice satire.
  10. scipian

    When will America have a realistic chance winning the World cup?

    OldSchooler88 - You sound as stupid as those people you mock. Brazil is a good team, Brazil was one of the major contenders in the World Cup Finals. You overestimate England's prowess. Heat does not determine who wins. True, Americans don't follow soccer as much as you do. They really...
  11. scipian

    Two more political quizzes

    Your economic freedom index is 6.5, and your social freedom index is 3.5. And... Your broad political orientation score is 47%, which equates to a ‘Right’ position. Your economic policy score score is 69.7%. This equates to a ‘Right’ position Your social policy score...
  12. scipian

    New Political Test

    Social Moderate (41% permissive) and an... Economic Conservative (63% permissive) You are best described as a: Centrist
  13. scipian

    "American" steriotypes

    Americans can't spell.
  14. scipian

    Same Sex Marriage Legal In Connecticut

    The original intention, I am fairly sure, of gender equality clauses was to prevent discrimination between the sexes, as in work places for women. The intention was not to declare that men and women are one and the same. Regardless, I far prefer cases where the people decide what they want...
  15. scipian

    Why won't McCain or Palin rebuke their surrogates for wanting Obama dead?

    People who commit such acts of hate want recognition. Without it, their goal is crushed. If McCain made a huge point of addressing them, they would have succeeded. Clearly McCain's words, while being aggressive, are not violent, and it seems reasonable to generally let the fringes die off from...
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