Recent content by Seriphyn

  1. Seriphyn

    Who's been having more fun with Rhye's then the actual game itself?

    Sooo fuuunn. Going Cali Civ 4 for two weeks. No Rhye's...great. Ah well. I'll imagine playing it in my mind's eye.
  2. Seriphyn

    Who's been having more fun with Rhye's then the actual game itself?

    That might sound boring, but it isn't. You're taking your nation through all the historical events, but it's like, you're changing it. It's quite interesting. Britain occupies Britain, and France occupies France, although in this game they own Italy. Also, each nation has their own specific...
  3. Seriphyn

    Who's been having more fun with Rhye's then the actual game itself?

    I have. It's ridiculously fun. I've been enjoying it more then the main game itself! Currently playing as Japan, achieved my first two goals, got the Korean peninsula under my grasp, now colonising California. Congresses, stability, civil wars and civilizations collapsing! Heck, China...
  4. Seriphyn

    Which Civ would you prefere instead of HRE?

    Holy Roman Empire? So, in one game there'll be Germany AND Rome. The Roman people and Holy Roman people? Oh dear... Let's have the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. No no no, you see, the civ in the game is ENGLAND. That hasn't been a country for hundreds of years. There is...
  5. Seriphyn

    Real 'Near Future': "Mechs","Super Tanks","Super Soldiers","Space Elevator",Etcetera

    Uh, HELLO? What's all this "no sci fi stuff in civ". Bloomin' heck, we have the highly ridiculous SPACE RACE victory condition. Building a big colony ship to send to another star system that will take centuries to get there, and also having cyronics that will freeze the colonists (btw that...
  6. Seriphyn

    The theme tune for BtS - better than Warlords please? XD

    Okay, so we had the awesome "Babu Yetu" for the main Civilization game. then I opened up warlords and it was some "yub yub" thing....not a big fan of it at all. In vanilla, I would stall myself in civ select to listen to the song completely before continuing. Warlords I was like "argh okay...
  7. Seriphyn

    Plea to Firaxis about Free Market

    well, i dunno about the exact effects myself, but I do wish that free market would be changed. Personally I think it's rubbish, and I NEVER use it, instead going straight for environmentalism.
  8. Seriphyn

    New Information -- Finally! (June 3, 2007)

    Hmm, I was thinking "If there's gonna be an ACTUAL space race, shouldn't the timeline be extended to 2100?", but then I remembered how you could construct a toothless ship and send it off then, rather the building EVERYTHING so that the game will end before the ship is even launched. Also, what...
  9. Seriphyn

    And Then Ninjas...Thousands of 'Em

    Yes, for the love of God, why are people still going on when ninjas are NOT in the game? Just mod 'em in. Maybe create a fan scenario. Ninja civilization versus pirate civilization. Wouldn't get very far though. The only units pirates would have are galleons and ninjas, well, ninjas...
  10. Seriphyn

    Thoughts on Final Frontier Senario?

    The culture one is probably not existent in the FF scenario. Something like that.
  11. Seriphyn

    Those mechs/GRAW-like soldiers on the box scenario-only??

    Hmm, it would be interesting to have the "super epic game", which would incorporate the 'Next War' era into the game (although mechanics would have to be changed a bit) and maybe even (if technically possible) add in the Final Frontier even further on! The ultimate civilization game that would...
  12. Seriphyn

    Those mechs/GRAW-like soldiers on the box scenario-only??

    I mean, why would they put all those futuristic units on the front box if they aren't actually going to be in the main game? Surely that's misleading? Does anyone really know, or through educated guess, whether what Firaxis are advertising on the main box don't apply to the main game...
  13. Seriphyn

    Gamespy Interview - More Journalistic Cowardice

    There is ALWAYS going to be people who will find the game difficult to run, so quit whining and go get a refund. If it's too late, sell it on eBay or something. Boycotting Firaxis won't do merde. One consumer out of thousands boycotting is unlikely to create a dent in their sales. Frankly, I...
  14. Seriphyn

    What exactly *is* the 'Nationhood' civic?

    I mean, in terms of it being brought out of the context of it being a game, how would a country with 'Nationhood' work? The Civilopedia explains how the other Legal civics work, but with Nationhood, they just describe what nation means, as opposed to how it would work. Anyone know?
  15. Seriphyn

    New City View

    <Fires rotten fruit and veggies at sealman> Unless we can see the entire city from the main map, then city view should be done away with. Its not really useless, however, you can see how your cities doing.
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