Hey my buddy and i play online together and ive been wanting to use the Better AI with him but it always crashes the game. I noticed they said it was a bug that they fixed but im not sure if it still doesnt work or im d/ling a bad version? :(
Wow am i alone at liking Bismark I love to be able to not have to rush to wonders and hurt my econamy as well as the quick worker build granaries for fast growth the only thing is the game is practacly over by the time i get my uu and ub but they are both pretty good IMO. I also love the health...
Wow thank you kmad i will deffinatly check out the link it wouldnt come up here at work because of filter but ill read up on it when i get home because i feel like i waste a lot of time waiting for my units to heal durring war and not enough time attacking so that should help out
ah well now that i know ive wasted several upgrades (giving almost everyone in my stack at least medic 1) I should fare a little better against the ai altough im nowhere close to where you guys are dominating i have mad a lot of progress in the past week (although still trying to get a grip on...
Oh i didnt know that i thought the medic upgrade was only for themselves but that is very helpful to know thank you and im guessing the more its upgraded the more healing the stack gets per turn?
I think my biggest help because im with you is read the challenges in here step by step. They explain why they do what they are doing and really help you to figure out the game IMO. I used to play on chieftan and then after reading those i jumped up to noble (which im still trying to get the...
wow yeah i never knew a lot of that thanks guys.
I always give the upgrades right away so i tend to just give them all the same thing now i see that it is very bad.
Now i hear a lot about the medic 3 thing and im not sure if i understand that i like the heal while moving upgrade(sorry not...
Hey not sure if anyone has posted anything yet but im looking for tips on promotional upgrades. I tend to just go with strength and medic for most units except Archers which get the garrison upgrade. I recently started to find that withdraw chances are good to have and wondering if there is a...
I can honestly say that just viewing these challenges i think i went from doing poorly on warlord to having jumped up to possible dominating on noble so i cant wait....although i havent acctually played much on noble but im now confident to play it so thank you aelf
Ok well thanks for all the tips i guess i just wasnt putting everything together like i should have.
I played this past weekend on warlord a lakes map with 7 AI well i got the middle of course and expanded pretty quick i got 6 cities by the time i got trapped and was ready for war but...
Thanks I appreciate the insite and i didnt realize but i guess i had click the aggressive ai feature so that could be the reason they hated me because i was being declared on by people i had a +4 overall with so i dunno.
But thanks about the suicidal catipults that works well. One question...
Hey i was playing a game on warlord after feeling confidant that im progressing with my skills. I was on inland see and i had 1 production city and 2 others a commerce and a research. I didnt have a lot of expanding room surrounded by the monglols and augustus. well i decied to try to take a few...
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