Recent content by .Spartan

  1. S

    [LH] Atotoztli - Female Aztec

    Very nice - cute.
  2. S

    Colonization Overhaul Planned

    This thread just keeps getting better Dom.
  3. S

    [GRAPHICS] Blue Marble for Colonization

    Good stuff. Thanks for the effort.
  4. S

    [MOD] Snoopy/Dale PatchMod

    An outstanding project! Great work guys!
  5. S

    [MOD] Age of Discovery II

    Looking forward to this mod. A most excellent effort Dale.
  6. S

    [MOD] Origins - Colonization 1 for Colonization 2

    Pure awesome sauce! I cant wait for version 1.0.
  7. S

    Rearranging the Founding Fathers?

    If it is not an issue a quick reference chart would be nice.
  8. S

    Fooling around with the Europe screen

    Posting it should not be a problem if the image you are using is modified from the original and if memory serves the modification should be at least 10% and usage should be different. I think this situation qualifies. Moreover if anyone had an issue they would have to send a C&D letter but prior...
  9. S

    MTech: Expanding the Ages

    This is a most interesting project. I wish you the best of luck with it.
  10. S

    Price Change Mechanics

    Awesomeness. Great thread. I have already revamped my econ system since I play on super huge maps with marathon settings and max civs I doubled all the thresholds and boosted silver 10x.
  11. S

    New Sweden mod

    I like the mod and use it with Ellestar's REF mod. Thanks for doing it. I must say I'm amazed with the limited number of factions in game.
  12. S

    Alpha Centuri Colonization

    This I would truly love. AC has got to be one of my all time favorite games. I have always been amazed Sid never followed up with a sequel title.
  13. S

    [MODCOMP] Ellestar's REF mod

    I wanted to say thanks for making this mod. The tax rate and REF were killing the game for me. The other major problem I have with it at the moment is the random requests from the king for 50% to 90% of my wealth if I amass several thousand gold and keep it for a length of time. Then there is...
  14. S

    [HELP] Upgrading Swordsmen

    I had two sources of iron and more than a dozen turns prior I upgraded over 10 warriors and did not build any units in the interim. Moreover outside the city I simply could not see an upgrade option, but once I moved them into it then I could. Oh well there must be some reason but it eludes me...
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