Recent content by superpowerfixer

  1. S

    Civ VII single player suffers from the same problems Civ VI did

    Nobody cares. More seriously: -Firaxis doesn't care -2k doesn't care and none of their analyst will ever equate AI with sales -Fans don't care. Civ 6 sales were great while having a stupid AI -Modders don't care because they can get a lot more money from making new civs -Influencers don't care...
  2. S

    79.3K Peak players, C7 is about to smoke War Thunder peak stats on Steam...

    Let's just look at the stats for both side of the argument. Flop: -Steam numbers and reviews -Console reviews -Metacritic rating -Twitch numbers -2k/firaxis being silent Success: Cricket noises There Isn't a single metric to support this wasn't a flop. New games are expected to sell a minimum of...
  3. S

    79.3K Peak players, C7 is about to smoke War Thunder peak stats on Steam...

    They are actually below minimum since 2k has already had enough of firaxis with the midnight sun flop. There Is no way that seeing beyond earth numbers is going to inspire confidence into firaxis from 2k. Especially since 2k had a bad year and needs heavy hitters before gta 6 releases.
  4. S

    Anybody have Kyrub's patch version p?

    For anybody that might want this, i have found it:
  5. S

    Anybody have Kyrub's patch version p?

    I can't seem to find this particular version of the patch since the wayback machine archive of alphacentauri2 only has the older version.
  6. S

    TurnBasedLovers: Best 10 4X Strategy Games of All Time

    Disagree hard. Ai leaders have flavor which is nonexistent in modern 4x games. Terra forming is the one of the best features not copied in any other 4x game.Weapons of mass destruction do mass destruction shockingly, thanks to this features. Unit creator is amazing for its time and modern 4x...
  7. S

    TurnBasedLovers: Best 10 4X Strategy Games of All Time

    Good idea: -Adding mom and alpha centauri. Neutral idea: -Adding only the newest entries of franchises as the representative. Bad idea: -Colonization entry is some kind of joke? -Heroes is not a 4x -Order is a joke(alpha centauri being so low should be a crime against humanity) -WTH is sycthe?
  8. S

    Humankind Deluxe Version Giveaway

    In for the civ killer. Please do not troll the forums. This is not how Amplitude looks at it and this view needs to stop please. leif
  9. S

    Civ VI is done. So how does Civ V look in comparison?

    It is not time. It is modern software development. In the old days it was the main designer who also the programmer and the one making the ai. Now the same role has been broken into a million small roles.The ai dev can have infinite time but won't do anything because he is not making the rules...
  10. S

    Civ VI is done. So how does Civ V look in comparison?

    What development costs? A single ai programmer gets his monthly salary and that is it.There is no seperete qa or additional costs in terms of external developers or assets. As for release date.The state of the ai at release shows that is irrelevant.
  11. S

    Civ VI is done. So how does Civ V look in comparison?

    Modders have less time to work then firaxis staff. Modders have real jobs and obligations while firaxis programmers are being paid to do their job on a daily basis. I don't know where this "Modders have more time to fix stuff" myth comes from.It is blatantly false and disrespectful toward...
  12. S

    HUMANKIND a Civ VI killer?

    They are both 4x games. There are no rpg elements in civ whatsoever. Playing as a peaceful Attila is not rpg elements,it is choosing a play style.Every strategy game that isn't constant war has said options.
  13. S

    Looks like Civ 6 is done: Kevin called April "final game update"

    It is interesting that you choose civ 6 as the dark times carrier. It pretty much started with civ rev and carried on with v.The final iteration of civ v is a game that fundamentally screws over one of the x in 4x. Expansion. The only thing that saves it are mods.And only vp should be considered...
  14. S

    SUPERPOWERS: Clash of Civilizations [REVIVED/MP Compatible]

    Thanks a lot dude for this. Just wondering is there a chance vassals can be integrated into this?
  15. S

    [BNW] Super Power: Clash of Civilizations - A fully upgraded version of SuperPower

    Can we get a list of bugfixes please? Also have you fixed tradition monarchy and science not working whatsoever?
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