Recent content by Terminal Strike

  1. T

    How to win. A short guide.

    why did I waste my time reading this article, no less now I am even responding too it. If your goal is to win a conquest so early in the game, why are you playing this game in the first place? I fail to see the point or the fun of what you have written here. As far as strategies are concerned...
  2. T

    Guaranteed diplomatic victory

    My last game I played I decided to try for a cultural victory. In my attempt to acheive this I made sure that I was never at war very long because of the hit it makes on your culture. At any rate when i realized I would not be getting my cultural win I went for the diplomatic victory. Several...
  3. T


    Generally i don't think about granaries early unless one or two things occur in my cities. If i can found a city near a river tile and it is going to be one of my core/wonder producing cities, i like the granary for the population boost so i can hurry the production of what i am building, the...
  4. T

    Snoopy's Terrain Graphics Modpack

    I was just browsing through the forums here when i seen the picture of your mod pack and think it looks excellent. I went ahead and downloaded it, but i am not sure where i should unzip the files too. Does it act as a scenerio with different graphics or will it change the look of every game i...
  5. T

    This is NOT a rant...I just want to win at higher levels

    Well, I have been playing about a month and a half as well and i have a hell of a rant to pick. This game is starting to become a complete waste of time. Those people that do play on the higher difficulty levels, how the hell are you doing it? Do you just restart the game if you get a crappy...
  6. T

    Stumped and upset

    I am starting to get really frustrated with this game. Don't get me wrong, I think it is quite fun to play but some of the features really are starting to annoy me. I played one finished game on warlord difficulty and had fun though at the end I kind of ran away with it. So I switched up to...
  7. T

    how to raze a city of my own

    It's not so dumb to starve out and move cities. In my current game I had an Egyptian settler unit moving into one of my last good spots that I had not envoloped by my culture yet and my settler was about two turns behind him in reaching the prime location or so it was (tip of a penninsula that...
  8. T

    Size of Armies and Help save my Civ

    Not a seasoned war veteran here myself, but I would agree that you should be cranking out those units instead of wealth, especially if you have known they have been eyeing you up for a while. With that mountain range of defense it would depend on your units tech levels, but I would suggest to...
  9. T

    Grand Changes in your Civ - the Hoover Dam and Coal Plants

    I agree that coal plants are a waste of time. I think that they cause way to much pollution and from what I have noticed this game does have much more pollution then my previous Civ II games. It is a more efficient use of workers strategies too lay the railroad tracks to boost the production...
  10. T

    How do I draft military?

    Well thanks a lot for all the feedback people it has helped somewhat. In my current game I did manage to get the Nationalization advance and I found the draft citizen button. I was a bit disapointed to find that the drafted citizens were conscripted infantry units with only two hit points. I...
  11. T

    How do I draft military?

    In the gaming manual it says that you can draft some of your cities populations for making your armies. I can see how its done in either Despotism or Communism, but how do I draft units under the other forms of government? I have fought a few wars where drafting my citizens could have been a...
  12. T

    Civ 3 GOTM#3 *Spoiler* talks

    Well so far things are not going very well for my Chinamen at all. I thought that i was off to a good start when I met the Japanese and took two cities from them, but then i met the Persians and their immortals are kicking my butt. I am not sure if it is the rotten starting position for...
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