Recent content by Thatoneguy64

  1. T

    New Unit: Chinese Tank(ZTZ-98AL)

    Yes, I have heard that quite often and really agree. I mean, so many of our rules contradict eachother. Like, with the word knight, the way it's spelled makes you think it's pronounced kenight, but for some reason the k is silent..... Then there's the whole thing where a lot of letters have...
  2. T

    New Unit: Chinese Tank(ZTZ-98AL)

    Looks like you needs again well study grammar. Anyway, your units are very nice, but half the time I can't understand what you mean because I can barely make out what your saying from all the grammatical errors. I know English isn't your natice language or anything, trust me you're doing better...
  3. T

    New Unit: Space armored truck (Juggern)

    That's straight from the Star Wars Databank, at The vehicle is also called the Clone Turbo Tank. Anyway, nice work on this unit! It's great! I love Star Wars, so I'm glad this is going to be another step towards the completion of...
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