Recent content by Triskelli

  1. T

    The combat

    Been enjoying the mod so far, but while we're having the discussion how often has adding +1 range to siege weapons from catapults on up been tried? It's easy to forget how much of a difference the Indirect Fire ability makes, and I often had to run my cannons right up against a well-positioned...
  2. T

    What will Civ 6 look like?

    Yes, but movement radii are just infinitesimal tiles, aren't they? There is still a per-turn restriction of movement to a particular space on the "board" and for two units to engage they must be on adjacent "tiles", or workers must move to an improvable "tile" before they can build a farm or...
  3. T

    What will Civ 6 look like?

    What form would a tile-less TBS game take, though? The only ways I can see a turn-based game working is either using tiles or provinces which are just funny-shaped tiles. And Civilization couldn't really make the change from TBS to RTS without losing most of its character. I DO like the...
  4. T

    Treatise on the implementation of ideas on Civilization V and beyond

    Let me say that this is an excellent if wordy post, and I wouldn't have guessed that English was not your first language if you hadn't said anything. As for the content, there are a few things I might disagree with you on, and I must apologize for attacking it piecemeal. The main argument I...
  5. T

    What's the largest city you grew?

    Also as Shoshone, my second settled city must have been up to 30 pop even without micromanagement but a choice city spot next to Lake Victoria. Went Liberty early though so I didn't get the Hanging Gardens, and missed Petra when Sweden beat me to it :mad:
  6. T

    America's Voice Acting

    I think Washington's accent is fine. It's definitely Virginian and confident when it needs to be. Bill Clinton, while similar, has a much more halting voice and a tiny stutter.
  7. T

    "Professional army" no longer gives happiness?

    The Honor opener is still really damn useful with the addition of trade routes and the more aggressive barbarians. Knowing where barbs are coming from is indespensible for the early game. Aside from the opener though there's very little reason to continue up the tree. Maybe if they added a...
  8. T

    Simple questions, simple answers

    There's a scroll button down near the minimap that should let you change options in the UI.
  9. T

    Simple questions, simple answers

    Not sure, but it's more than the actual Great Works of Art you can get Artists to create. Apparently there IS only a finite amount of originality in the world.
  10. T

    Civil War scenario: disappointing

    I enjoy it. It's an attempt to take the combat mechanics for Civ 5 and bring them into a scenario that highlights them to the best possible extent. I am a little sad that it covers such a small geographic area though.
  11. T

    Share Your First BNW Experiences Here

    It's their own damn fault for having such valuable bones.
  12. T

    Enter the new Arabia

    This was mentioned explicitly in the Civil War scenario stream the other day. Overall I think this is an interesting change, not enough civs have bonuses to passive religious spread and longer caravan routes makes for more cities to choose from and possibly more gold.
  13. T

    Images being cut off, desperate for any help.

    I'm having this exact same problem, what can we do to help regulars to fix this issue?
  14. T

    Fixing the Melee Line

    Yeah, I think we're finally hitting something here, any improvements to combat should be done with the smallest changes possible. Stuff like rearranging the tech tree would go leaps and bounds towards making combat more balanced without fundamentally changing how the game works. Personally...
  15. T

    Fixing the Melee Line

    Really like that idea. I've also thought reducing the beaker cost for Iron Working would go a long way towards making it more attractive to the casual player, to the same amount as Construction and such. As is, the casual player like myself sees that Iron Working takes twice as long to...
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