Recent content by Uncle Reeno

  1. U

    Anyone worked out what hideouts are for?

    I have never actually hit move to hideout, but I have occasionally failed to notice recruiting another spy and it puts a number up ontop of the espionage button. I guess that just means he's in the james bond fratcastle(hideout)?
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    Your citizens are livid

    To address the OP issue I think this is related to sequential events(specifically factoring in city state tribute) and alerts triggering before they are complete. I noticed this when upgrading units with a strategic resource requirement and if im receiving the resource from a city state it will...
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    Best Civilization for a "turtle" style player ?

    I like teakbois's strat breakdown, one thing I would add. Often times I see AIs demanding all of my gold for peace(massive treasury of 2k+ sometimes) but if I spend it all even in the same turn and come back to the negotiation table he will happily take whatever I have left. I'm not sure if this...
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    Cultural victory - tips!

    @le roi I'm not sure deviating from a tradition hardline is the best call, the growth benefits from tradition for a small empire are so massive that I think they totally eclipse any potential benefit from honor. If you were playing raging barbs I could potentially see throwing a single point in...
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    Cultural victory - tips!

    you wanna go tradition, piety, freedom as fast as possible. My personal strat is to get national college before expanding. the commerce/patronage final ones are less important and the decision there is more situation(honor can be subed in if your fighting alot) Religion is important and I...
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    New line of mid-late specialist infantry, Engineers?

    @hobbsyoyo tell that to any student of russian history. I think Stalin lacked alot of balance requirements on his AI :D
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    Religious Conflict

    Ya I guess the inquisitions themselves weren't the worst, I guess I was thinking of the internal/external wars associated with the protestant reformation or the ongoing hindu/muslim violence in south west asia and such. I can see how these can be represented in international conflict in the game...
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    Tactics, or exploit?

    I've done this too, to exponentially increase the effectiveness of this do the barb camp trick next to a cultural city state under attack. I got my rep up around 200+ with two neary by cultural cities but I wasn't running honor so I was only collecting the CS bonus, but I got it on like the...
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    Which Is More Insulting?

    I actually won a cultural victory as the Aztecs which I thought was a hilarious concept, a utopia built on hundreds of generations of sacrificial captives :D
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    New line of mid-late specialist infantry, Engineers?

    I agree that most of these mechanics are represented in the fortify and fort mechanics and that if you were to try and give the AI more combat elements their already rather ineffective tactics would get much much worse.
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    Religious Conflict

    Does anyone else think that the violence associated with religious spread is underrepresented in GnK. I was thinking that using an inquisitor should incur some population loss. Seeing as inquisitions were usually associated with some pretty significant casualties. Or potentially some interplay...
  12. U

    River Trade Routes

    From a realism perspective are there any mods out there that make rivers into trade routes. I realize not all rivers are navigable trade wise (and that they were largely one way for much of history) but I thought that this might be an interesting mechanic.
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    Food Stacking: the dominant strategy?

    So I had an Arabia game where I got temple of artemis, fertility rights, and swords into plow shears. This allowed me to expand a pretty preposterous rate with the growth bonus coupled with the massive gold inflow from trade (courtesy of bazaars) letting me purchase graineries/aqueducts in all...
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    Is the Cultural VC the hardest to achieve?

    I can't believe you all think this is the hardest/slowest. If left unmolested on a corner of the map you can crush out pretty much every relevant wonder. One thing that hasnt been mentioned much is paying other civs to go to war with each other, which I found to be a nice strategy to slow down...
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    Aztec rush

    flats the huns would be able to destroy the aztec army in the field by out maneuvering them and then take a couple rams into the cap. Forest/Jungle/Rough terrain in general the aztecs would farm the huns for culture and xp till swordsman then cut them down.
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