Recent content by Uncle Sparky

  1. Uncle Sparky

    The Llamast Jokes Thread... 3

    My friend with a studder was just sent to prison... I fear he will never finish his sentence.
  2. Uncle Sparky

    Funniest Pictures Thread 35 - Mid Life Spread

    You forgot former US president Jimmy Carter is from Georgia
  3. Uncle Sparky

    The Llamast Jokes Thread... 3

    Don't Buy spiders from Amazon... they are poisonous!
  4. Uncle Sparky

    The Llamast Jokes Thread... 3

    (A Tom Swifty I hadn't seen before) I hate being a half bicycle - half motorcycle," he moped.
  5. Uncle Sparky

    The Llamast Jokes Thread... 3

    (I did not necessarilly do this) When you get angry, take a deep breath and count to 10. Throw a punch at 8. Nobody expects that.
  6. Uncle Sparky

    The Llamast Jokes Thread... 3

    My knee is sore.
  7. Uncle Sparky

    The Llamast Jokes Thread... 3

    My wife wanted to embarrass me in front of her friends by saying I was bad in bed... She was shocked when most of them disagreed.
  8. Uncle Sparky

    The Llamast Jokes Thread... 3

    When you reach my age, your friends start dropping like flies... and no one suspects you.
  9. Uncle Sparky

    The Llamast Jokes Thread... 3

    A lady just asked me what 'manspaining' is... I think it's a trap.
  10. Uncle Sparky

    The Llamast Jokes Thread... 3

    Scurvy: When life doesn't give you lemons.
  11. Uncle Sparky

    The Llamast Jokes Thread... 3

    Falcons generally live no more than 16 years, so all falcons alive today were born in the 21st century. They are Millenial Falcons.
  12. Uncle Sparky

    The Llamast Jokes Thread... 3

    I just got a tattoo of the UK on my bum and every time I fart, Scotland separates.
  13. Uncle Sparky

    The Llamast Jokes Thread... 3

    Minimalism is a scam created by big small to sell more less.
  14. Uncle Sparky

    Funny Political Pictures Thread I: A New Hope

    Not even for $130,000...
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