Recent content by Vanadorn

  1. Vanadorn

    Pax Romana

    Private Besmond of the 8th Neapolis Riflemen lifted the end of his bunk to check one last time for any of his personal effects. Seeing nothing but gritty sand and some dusty bits of fluff, he let the wooden frame down with a solid THUNK. “Zeus damned, Fustat,” he murmured aloud, his eyes...
  2. Vanadorn

    Blood and Iron: The Conquests of the Chancellor

    One of the joys of returning to Civfanatics is to find stories like this one and read up. I've missed out on some great tales but it was easily resolved by reading your story. And I am honored to find that Vanadorn held firm in your tale, along with their valiant warriors! Three cheers and well...
  3. Vanadorn

    Pax Romana

    Hope you all had a great few weeks, it's been busy by me. Next chapter to follow...and Nero and Cincinnatus to return very soon! Vie Victus! Agent Gogoshen gave the beggar’s car a final once over before stepping off the 4:35 out of Rome. He glanced at the destination board, ignoring everything...
  4. Vanadorn

    Pax Romana

    Lunsilla lowered her cup with shaking fingers, the porcelain rattling against the table top until a firm press forced it to stop shaking, eyes flashing towards the lone door out of the room. “I don’t know anything more to tell you. Honestly, I don’t.” Dardanel looked at his two men near the...
  5. Vanadorn

    Is Donald J. Trump really a Billionaire?

    He is Donald J Trump, Billionaire. He owns a mansion and a yacht.
  6. Vanadorn

    Pax Romana

    Orvillus Wrighteous stood to the side of the deflated Aerodeck with shaking fists balled up in the terry cloth towel he had wrapped around his shoulders. His 7 man deck crew were breathing heavy, two of them also soaked to the skin and two others sporting angry 1st degree burns along their...
  7. Vanadorn

    Pax Romana

    Trust me, I write because I enjoy the heck out of it. Since I originally wrote this so long ago I've been continuously writing on and off (more on) on a variety of junk - most of it pet enjoyment projects - some posted elsewhere - but I've had this bundle of notes sitting around at the edge of...
  8. Vanadorn

    Pax Romana

    Thanks man! Everything from page 105 has been fixed re: the ASCII nomenclature (“ for example instead of " ). And then I noticed all the ", ', and other punctuation disappeared from the start of the story, so in my down time I've been starting on page 1 and replacing all those from my...
  9. Vanadorn

    Pax Romana

    Adeptus Plutarch pulled the bit of satin sewn into the spine of the book free and dropped it between the pages he was reading to mark his place before closing the leather bound cover softly and sliding the heavy tome on top of his desk. He flexed the fingers of his left hand twice, noting the...
  10. Vanadorn

    The very many questions-not-worth-their-own-thread question thread XXX

    It's a matter of scale. To the common man on the street, $20 doesn't buy what it used to (how far back used to? When in doubt, I use 20 years as a benchmark), and neither does $1,000. Once upon a time a million bucks could get you something palatial depending on where you live (Tennessee vs...
  11. Vanadorn

    My friend gets served divorce papers tomorrow

    Just keep your nose clean and since it's a week later, I hope you said nothing. Divorce sucks - for those involved and those who see it happening. My 2 cents.
  12. Vanadorn

    Comings, Goings and New Arrivals IX: Those Things Come And Go

    A bit over a 9 year hiatus for me, but I just returned. Don't think I'll read up on the 65,000+ unread threads I've seem to have missed out on. ;) -V
  13. Vanadorn

    Pax Romana

    Looking back I noticed some formatting error occurred with all the " and ' and ... and + marks in the story - they all have a ASCII constant looking number associated with where they used to be. So in order to refamiliarize myself I have gone back some 20 pages (to 103) and have been editing the...
  14. Vanadorn

    Pax Romana

    General Vitellius took a long hard look at the countryside around him. It was mostly low rolling hills, what few bits of brush and tree that once dotted it had been either blown apart, burned, or scavenged by pickers and groundsmen for makeshift supplies and firewood. To the distant eye could be...
  15. Vanadorn

    Pax Romana

    When I started this tale so long ago I was a much younger man with a world of problems on my shoulders. My back was bowed with a seemingly unending amount of turmoil and I was looking for an outlet to send my creative thoughts. This community was open to me, receptive to all, and listened to my...
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