Recent content by wicked_1

  1. W

    [Map Script] SmartMap

    I found a bug.. in hotseat your Smartmat placement doesnt work correctly (it places ALL human players even if u selected some AI players).. if u choose standard placement however.. all works fine..
  2. W

    python: Disable Buildings??

    ok, this can have numerous applications if any of you knows how to temporary disable/enable building from being built.. lets say we have: IF (something): building_disabled IF (something): building_enabled now.. can anyone write that code??
  3. W

    [Map Script] Fair Continents

    I tried it and noticed this: 1. It looks TOO unnatural.. it would be nice if continents could be rounded and not square.. 2. It has too many stone, marble and other strategic resources.. it should be 1-2 per continent not more.. 3. I dont know if its a bug or just as intended.. but flood...
  4. W

    Request: Fog of war script

    well.. it looks too unnatural.. I would still like script that removes and puts fog of war on any map..
  5. W

    Blue Marble Terrain

    ok, I dont know if anyone mentioned this yet, but wanna share this if any of you want to play with Blue Marble in HOTSEAT.. what to do.. If you play some MOD then copy all files from blue marble folder, typicaly: My Documents\My Games\Civilization 4\CustomAssets\Art to Civ 4 folder...
  6. W

    Request: Fog of war script

    I need this really bad.. I'm trying to play hotseat with a friend, but game ALWAYS gives better continent (bigger, more resources) to one player than another.. (we play continents or islands equal to number of players).. so I'm trying to find solution for this.. and since Map Builder is...
  7. W

    Hungry Hungry Cities!

    ugh Yakk.. this even sounds too complicated, I cant even imagine how complicated is to code that to python.. not to mention general confusion with constant upgrading/downgrading of buildings :D ok, lets look at this from another angle.. we can make food caravans just transfer certain amount...
  8. W

    Hungry Hungry Cities!

    i think I found where's error... in HungryCities\Assets\Python\ you have BONUS_SHEEP_FOOD = 1 BONUS_PIG_FOOD = 1 and later giftingCity = pPlayer.getCity(giftingCityID) giftingCity.changeFood(-1*BONUS_SHEEP_FOOD) should probably be...
  9. W

    Hungry Hungry Cities!

    ok, I like the mod, and just tested it... It has a bug.. you say that city of origin should lose 2 food.. I checked and it loses ONLY 1 FOOD per turn.. so that needs a fix.. also it would be nice if lose of food is properly showed in food bar (currently shows as if there's no food loss). that...
  10. W

    what's proper format for .dds files?

    I'm trying to make some new butons in photoshop (I have plugin for dds files), but when I save it, it has no transparency in game.. what option in dds save dialog should I enable to make buttons show properly (transparent edges) in game?
  11. W

    how to make new terrain "Mountain"

    i wish to make this new terrain cause I had lots of problems making Peaks passable, and I didnt manage to enable workers to build mines on Peak terrain, or even enabling city to use any yields from Peak.. so I need help making Mountain terrain that would be something like in Civ3.. and then Peak...
  12. W

    How to make peaks passable??

    No, that doesn't work.. if you look at the files, for TERRAIN_PEAK that tag is already set to <bImpassable>0</bImpassable> by default... so its still impassable, and its not logical cause its set to impassable=0 .. someone has solution that works?!
  13. W

    How to make peaks passable??

    Can someone give me instructions how to make peaks passable for all land units.. its really anoying to go around mountains.. I mean Hannibal moved elephants across Alpes... :D it should be simple to do... but I didnt find how to do that.. help please..
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