Recent content by Will99

  1. W

    CS gives me their Dyes but not their Coal ?

    Thanks for all the info. Interesting that one of the posts says that a CS has to have met two Civs with the tech in order to learn the tech itself and see their resource (and thus be able to share it). Strange the manual doesn't mention anything about how this mechanic works though. I...
  2. W

    CS gives me their Dyes but not their Coal ?

    Here's my save game attached. 'Problem' CS is Warsaw, while I get 3 Coal from Valletta and 3 from my own Coal deposit (1 is used by partial contstruction of a Factory in Lyon). I also get 4 Aluminium from Prague.
  3. W

    CS gives me their Dyes but not their Coal ?

    The coal is already under a mine. Anyway, I have since researched Electricity and revealed Aluminium, another allied CS has aluminium under a mine and I receive that ok, but still no Coal from the first CS. What's more I have since also allied with yet another CS with Coal, paid gold to...
  4. W

    Is there a maximum number of units you can gift ?

    I'm trying to bolster the defences of a CS by gifting it units, but only the first few worked. After that, my units would disappear but vanish completely - the CS never got them. At first I thought it was because I tried to gift my UU, but it didn't work with anything... Is there a limit on...
  5. W

    CS gives me their Dyes but not their Coal ?

    OK, I just researched Industrialization and Coal is now revealed on the map. I got one coal in my territory, and an allied CS has one Coal already under a mine. However they aren't giving me their Coal, even though they already give me their Dyes. How come ? It can't be that the CS has to...
  6. W

    Excess Happiness and Golden Ages

    I understand the extra population vs excess happiness argument, but surely excess happiness does not stop you growing you population - in fact quite the contarary you need it in place to allow your pop to grow (at least you need a minimum net happiness level of zero to grow properly, and more...
  7. W

    Excess Happiness and Golden Ages

    Gotta respect your maths - haven't analysed it but I get your point about GAs vs additional population. However by itself an additional luxury resource is a good thing even if only for the GA points accrual before your pop grows to use it instead. What prompted my original question was that...
  8. W

    Resources not available for trade?

    Not sure here - but I thought it's because only the resources not owned by the other party show up ? i.e. if dye doesn't show up on your tradable items, he already has it ?
  9. W

    Excess Happiness and Golden Ages

    Ah right, so if you do a deal for some luxury resources during a GA, you don't get the GA-benefit of the extra happiness until your GA is over ?
  10. W

    Excess Happiness and Golden Ages

    During a Golden Age, does your excess happiness continue to accrue towards your next GA ?
  11. W

    Harbor trade route

    I mean that my capital is not on the coast. If City A builds a harbor, does it need to connect to another city with a harbor and a road connection from there to the capital ?
  12. W

    Harbor trade route

    Sorry, I'm sure the answer is already on here but I couldn't find it. If my capital is landlocked, to get the trade route does a city's harbor need to connect to the captial via a second city's harbor (and road from that city to the capital) ? I don't suppose a simple road from the capital...
  13. W

    Angkor Wat - culture cost of acquiring new tiles ?

    Hang on, I think it's just dawned on me - I guess it means the culture amount required for 'natural' border expansion is reduced by 25% ?
  14. W

    Angkor Wat - culture cost of acquiring new tiles ?

    The in-game description of Angkor Wat says "Culture and Gold costs of acquiring new tiles reduced by 25% in every city'. Can someone clarify - does this mean that the culture output of each city is reduced by 25% (as well the gold cost of tiles), or that you can actually use culture to buy...
  15. W

    I played Civ V for 10 hours today.

    This week I have played every night from about 8 / 9 p.m. and have been thinking from about midnight each night that 'I really should go to bed as I have a job to do tomorrow', but the balance of influences ensures that I am still playing at about 02:30 at which time I look at the clock, curse...
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