Recent content by Winston Khan

  1. W

    CIV3 Complete Text Error

    here is the screeny of the problem, notice the response lines seem to be double spaced... Is there somewhere I can change the text size or spacing within Civ3 Complete?
  2. W

    CIV3 Complete Text Error

    Hey, been a few years since my last post, but... I have this problem with my Windows 7 laptop running Civ 3 complete. When entering a negotiation page (F4) and speaking with another civ leader, the text (to accept, to offer, to decline) is positioned below the page. I have a screenshot...
  3. W

    "Let them hate us, so long as thay fear us"

    Don't you think that this kind of attitude screams 'Hate America; more than you did before'....? What a joke :lol: , people of the 'World' don't need an excuse to despise the US. Good Luck with your forging of relations with Iran and, go on, sell your weapons to Syria, just don't expect your...
  4. W

    Educate me on karam

    Here is Shuffleboard Here is Carrom Here are the Rules of Carrom Click on the 'Game Explained' Link on the right.
  5. W

    Educate me on karam

    Shuffleboard is a game played on the decks of a boat, at least that is the origin! Played with long sticks with, cups, at the end to push a puck along the floor. And target a point on the deck, Carrom is not related in this way at all. The principle is loosely the same as Carrom, just Carrom...
  6. W

    Airline Wars

    Thats the kind of information I was trying to get hold of!!! :lol: Any other reasons for using Singapore Air, or is it just the pretty trolley-dollies....
  7. W

    North Korea Announces Nuke Tests

    IMHO, the world needs to acknowledge that Nuclear power is a guaranteed form of power source, via Power Stations and Nuclear Weaponry. Power Stations The World (ahem UN) should find a way to secure Electricity to the global populi without endangering anyone. (Yes nuke power stations have...
  8. W

    North Korea Announces Nuke Tests

    Does my political persuasion have anything to do with this, NO. Do you like to make irrelevent slanderous statements without ANY facts to back them up? BTW the UN is considering the seal of approval. I care about the outcome of the whole situation. China, I suspect, doesn't have a problem...
  9. W

    How Many Different States of Consciousness Are There?

    I saw a documentary the other day about sleep patterns and what people are capable of during their 'Shut-Eye' time. There was one case in the UK (and another in the North America) where a man, totally drunk fell asleep after the wake of his Dad's mate. This doesn't sound suspicious but the...
  10. W

    North Korea Announces Nuke Tests

    If the sanctions imposed (properly) by the UN are lifted trade agreements would be free to procure, whether Kim would allow foreign trade is one thing, but if they are lifted North Korea would inevitably profit from it... Would a revolt not antagonise the population/government of China? They...
  11. W

    Airline Wars

    I am about to embark on a round trip to Australia :woohoo: . Which of the available airlines rate highest in your opinions? (Budget and travel time considered). Quantas...British Airways...Cathy Pacific...Singapore al...... If you were travelling from London (Heathrow) to...
  12. W

    Work for Leisure, or Leisure for Work?

    Totally A, personally I don't have to work, I choose to. I am in a positive financial position and if I decide not to work for 6 months or the rest of my life, I don't have to. Definate A. :king:
  13. W

    North Korea Announces Nuke Tests Can this help the world become a safer place? Will this make 'Nuclear Powers' (Including Iran/India/Pakistan) take note that Nuclear is a necessary technology for all Mankind? Why should the 'Powers' control who gets Nukes? What...
  14. W

    Ask a Girl

    From your description it sounds like you are the neurotic one; an unhealthy obession on your behalf, perhaps. Do something about it man, grow yourself a spine and move on. Forget her, find another girl to ply your trade with.
  15. W

    He is Me

    Bozo, I think you are confused. Do you hate yourself? Do you love your enemy?
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