Recent content by yutui

  1. Y

    Can you play without a disc?

    I may be wrong, but can't you play on the same computer via hotseat, anyway?
  2. Y

    Quick Answers / 'Newbie' Questions

    It wasn't a custom start so I couldn't choose the number of opponents, so that's weird. I've never played a game without AI, and even still, conquest would have been awarded on the first turn if this was the case?
  3. Y

    Quick Answers / 'Newbie' Questions

    I loaded up the 4000BC autosave and checked world builder and couldn't find any other units other than my settler and warrior.Since patches refuse to work on my computer (no idea why), i'm using BtS unpatched. Is this a known bug without a patch?
  4. Y

    Quick Answers / 'Newbie' Questions

    Sorry if this has been asked, but what stops the AI from settling in the beginning of the game? My last game was the first time I have played a game which the AI didn't instantly settle. I was playing a Duel Map as Joao on Warlord level and 4 turns into the game I received a conquest victory...
  5. Y

    Poll: Which civ has the most unwinnable UHV?

    My easiest historical victory was as Egypt, so I have to vote for them.
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