Recent content by zizzeus

  1. Z

    [Religion and Revolution]: Feedback and Questions

    First post in five years, but had to stop by to say how much I appreciate the development that has gone into this mod. I really enjoy Col, and RaR has made the game infinitely better for me. Stoked to play 2.7; please keep up the great work! z
  2. Z

    Ascension to the Throne, Part Two: Electric Boogaloo (standard pangaea)

    Hi, nice thread idea, thanks for posting. A few comments on initial moves: With a creative leader, especially a protective one with another good early UU, I would be way more aggressive with early settling. Gilgamesh is the 'REX-king' for good reason. After scouting and seeing Stalin to the...
  3. Z

    [BTS 3.19] Earth 35 Civilizations MOD

    Hi Liambane, Just went MOD-shopping and discovered this MOD. Excellent work! I'm in my first game now on Emperor, rolling through Europe as Spain. I was disappointed that the French didn't have Stone/Marble to steal (and I can't really take Rome until Macemen) but I suppose that would be...
  4. Z

    Caveman 2 Cosmos (ideas/discussions thread)

    Hi guys, Just discovered this MOD, and, wow! Lots of stuff to explore - it really is like a whole new game. Thanks to everyone involved. While I generally like to find things on my own (so I won't read "strategy" guides anymore) I have noticed one thing that is either broken, or I am...
  5. Z

    In-Game historical events

    Meh, these sound fun, but you'd never win them on the higher levels. Instead of being fun they would just be another bonus for the AI.
  6. Z

    An advanced guide to the specialist economy for emperor and above

    You are correct, there isn't as much use in restricting wonders as implied with the exception of engineers, since you probably want to grab one or two guaranteed. This article hasn't been maintained in light of later game experience with BTS and civ in general. I also don't usually bother...
  7. Z

    Vive le revelution!

    Losing the city in civ3 I could deal with. Losing my entire army acting as garrison in the city, with no compensation whatsoever ... quite another.
  8. Z

    In-Game historical events

    It was mentioned somewhere else, but first to send an explorer to each pole would be cool. It might even make the unit worth building! As a bonus, +1 movement on land would be a bit much, but some sort of scientific bonus to the civ that achieves the feat would be consistent with real life. They...
  9. Z

    Strategy, Tactics & Logistics

    Excellent article; certainly the best one I've read yet on strategy. You are correct that most other articles describe the logistics of raising an army, but little strategy beyond "enter enemy borders with SOD - take cities as you see them" with the occasional "bring lots of siege." I see...
  10. Z

    MC from hut

    Yeah, I've got astro on terra maps before too, but nothing this early, this big. Settings are Immortal, Large, Fractal, random climate and sea level. I was sure I was isolated since I didn't meet anyone for 50 turns, but no. There are no fewer than 5 barb cities visible now, and the map has...
  11. Z

    MC from hut

    Here's my new strategy: pop Metal Casting from a hut. That's like popping the Oracle right there!
  12. Z

    Specialist Economy question (Emperor level/BTS)

    A few ways: 0) Try to whip more than one population point at a time. Anger will die off by the time you get back up. 1) Tech to drama and use the culture slider for happiness (con: requires theatres for full effect - coliseums help too) 2) Tech to monarchy and run Hereditary rule and spam...
  13. Z

    Machiavelli’s Wet Dream - Challenge for all playlevels

    Great spies were definitely a godsend. I think I got 3 this game (pretty lucky) without the great wall. Infiltrated with all of them. I'm not sure about delaying expansion with the great wall though. It's pangaea and you're bordered by 2 imperialistic leaders. If Victoria gets the eastern...
  14. Z

    Machiavelli’s Wet Dream - Challenge for all playlevels

    Speak for yourself! I capped Victoria and Louis with samurai alone. No need to wait for rifles to get going. Muskets you can leave behind for city defense since they can get CGarrison. Take the maces with you since they get city raider. Domination - 1806AD
  15. Z

    Machiavelli’s Wet Dream - Challenge for all playlevels

    Monarch save, until first capitulation
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