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  • Hi! On july 2010 you mentioned, that you are willing to do a ROM/AND-like mod for Civ 5... Just want to say, that Civ 5 is not playable without Your hard mod-work. I found my dusted and twice-used copy of civ 5 and thought its time to search for some info about You getting hands on that.
    You both (You & Afforess) have spoiled many of us, as I believe, and there is no way something flat like the vanilla civ5 will do (compared to the depth and complexity of ROM/AND) and the C5 mods floating around dont sound like more than minor tweaks.
    Hey, could you please update the RoM, Unofficial Patch, RevolutionDCM, and many other mods has been updated since RoM 2.92, Please update Zappara!
    I discover your nice job, but I dont charge it because... I cannot evolve to 3.19 (see my texts)! Tell-me please wath is your last good version for v3.17. Thanks...
    hey had a question about your world size and game speed mod, it loads the mod but crashes while loading the world would be the long and short of it.... if you could get back to me id greatly appreciate it, Thanks!!
    Good Day Zappara,
    I'm definately a fan of the ROM mod. I also use the AND mod. What conflicts might I find between rom2.9 and AND?
    Hi, zappara. I'm CalifCiv. You must have met me from the thread I created in the RoM forum. Sky City 1000 and the Burj Dubai are good ideas, I tell you! Well, it's nice to see the creator of a mod I enjoy every day from 6:00 AM to 10:00 PM. I hope to see you soon on your creation's forum or my page. See you soon.
    The message is too long to send once, it continues below.

    That's all just the little advices from me, if you are busy, just ignore it. I will still LOVE this mod by your great work!
    Hi, me again, I love this mod very much, I want it better more, so I have some advices for you to improve ROM, maybe you will interest.

    1. I really hate the global warming feature in the CIV4, could you add an option in ROM to turn off it by user? I know I can turn off it in the XML, but if I can turn off it in the game GUI, is it better?

    2. In the late era of the game, I really want to change the terrain plot. Can you add some feature which can plant forest, change the plot from tundra or plain to grassland, from plain to hill, and reverse. Even level the mountain or fill the coast. I know it's bad for balance indeed, but I love these functions even I need spend a lot of money and it must take many rounds for my citizen to work on that plot with no production to finish it. Next War Advanced has been already implemented it, but not fully complete and has bugs. I trust you can do it better!
    Hello Zappara, I got a promble on ROM, can you help me? Thank you!

    And I have a little poor in my English, if I make some mistake, please excuse me.

    I tried turn off it in the xml file "GlobalDefinesAlt.xml" and ini file "Advanced Combat Odds.ini", but it can't work. I also copy the edited ini file to the ROM mod root directory,( because of I saw some else ini file in that dir) and not work yet.

    I'm sure I restarted the game once I edited them, and reloading the XMLs.

    So, how can I turn off that thing by any way else?

    BTW. Maybe you want to ask me why i want to disable it. The answer is that I want to see the modifier by terrain and promotions from both attacker and defender. If i can see them in the ACO mod, i would like to use it.
    Hi Zappara

    I just wanted to let you know that we use your mod with success in our Rise of Mankind league on We have just begun, but have already found out that it is a great mod for multiplay. So thank you for your hard work!
    I was playing ROM 2.71 on terra and AI civs were building cities in the new world in classical times. I was wondering what files I need to change to prevent this from happening? Idk if its a unit promotion for naval units or what?? can you help me?
    Zap, hear my plea please.
    I really love ROM, but i can't play it anymore
    I'm just about to give up to downloading 2.8 beta.
    Atomic gamer limit my connection speed to just 10kbps!(i said they limiting my connection, because when i download from the other site, i got 100kbps....)
    It's ok if you don't want to reupload/make a mirror of 2.8beta in other site(such as filefront).
    But please, please, please, can you upload/make a mirror of the next version in the other site.
    I don't want to say goodbye to ROM(i can't play vanilla anymore since i know ROM), but i can't spent 11 hours of my life just for waiting my download completed.
    The reason I ask is because I'm planning on building my own custom PC, made to run RoM FAR BETTER than my old 2001 Dell, no thanks to Bad Allocation errors and crashing.

    I was wondering if you knew at least what specs would be most viable for a better PC to play this on. Incredible mod otherwise, my computer is just pathetically old.
    First I want to thank you for bringing this AWESOME mod.
    But I have a problem,so please help.
    When I add Mega civ pack for ROM 2.71 I lose all main menu text.Main menu looks like this:riseofmankind.jpg I discovered that when I remove file RomExtraCivPak3.FPK everything becomes visible. On my friend´s computer everything works fine, so I assume this has something to do with my graphic card. Maybe it is some kind of crazy font my GPU cannot display? Is there a way to override this problem?

    P.S. Without Civ mega pack RoM works perfectly fine.
    Sorry about ask but what about ad "coastal plains" as a new terrain ? for place salt and other resources that mostly appear very near ocean and lakes...
    and take of marshes or make they appear near salt water only
    Re my first attempt to play ROM 2.71, I encountered what appear to be several bugs. Playing a custom game (9civs, giant map), I was unable to access the expanded list of leaders. In ascending order of importance, I also found that workers did not update to contemporary dress in the industrial age, that forges disappeared and had to be rebuilt, that the national wonders cement, steel, filling factories and rubber likewise sometimes disappeared and required rebuilding. Finally circa turn 490 the game crashed on attempting to select a new tech to research. Has anyone else reported similar problems?
    Hello, sorry for posting here, but as I was unsure where else to post the question about your updated mod. Well after updating everything to 2.71. I wanted to use this mod for ROM. Well the ROM mod works fine and no problems that I can see. When I follow the instructions enclosed to install the CivPack the game freezes, after I load ROM, choose a custom game, and choose Treaudeau as my leader. I don't seem to see where I am going wrong. Do I still need the Traits mods? I clicked on the WOC program like your instructions stated. But after I click launch the game just freezes.
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