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  • Are you still in Greece? If you are coming to Athens, you are invited for lunch (or dinner).
    Just seen this message T. I guess the notification didn't show up or I missed it. Thanks for the invite. If I'm ever in the region I'll definitely send you a message. It would be great to meet up. I know the guys at CivWebring (Germany) had a get together some time back. The SL is a bit more widespread, but the likelihood of me visiting Athens one day is high as I'd love to see the Acropolis.
    If you're ever in Britain and near Cardiff I'd love to extend the same offer.
    I started supporting them as a boy. It was a toss up between them and Liverpool as they were the two best teams in the mid eighties but I preferred blue. I did go to watch Hastings Town and Brighton but the best games were when Everton came down to London and I would go up. Loyalty is such an odd trait sometimes and I often wonder why the hell I persist with the Toffee's but come 3pm Saturday it all makes sense again, at least while we are winning ;)
    Who's your team?
    Hastings. Even the Southernmost Southerners acknowledge the supremacy of the North.
    How come you're not posting in our delightful Football thread? There's a couple Scousers posting there sometimes.
    Was your answer in the wwii thread ironic ? i am sorry to ask, but i meant my post serious ( And no i dont use civ II to do my work ;) ), in the way that politics bear a strong similarity with civ 2 concepts.

    So long
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