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Helicopter Gunship Mod 2016-10-05

The Helicopter Gunship Mod makes many changes:

All archer mounted units (Arabian Camel archer, Chariot Archer, Egyptian War Chariot, Hunnic Horse Archer, Indian War Elephant, and the Mongolian Keshik) all upgrade to Lancers.
German Landsknecht and the Pikeman both upgrade to Musketmen.

Unit Changes:
Anti-Tank Gun-
Ranged Combat of 40 with a Range of 1. Receives Archer Promotions. Has a move of 3.

Helicopter Gunship-
Ranged Combat of 50 with a Range of 1. Receives Archer Promotions. Can attack twice. Requires Oil (instead of Aluminum)

Pikemen/Landsknechts become obsolete with Gunpowder.

New Unit:
Advanced Helicopter Gunship
Tech prereq- Mobile Tactics
Ranged Combat-70
Cost (base)-425
Receives Archer Promotions.
Has the same promotions as the Helicopter Gunship but also now includes a second attack, cant captures cities, and has a city attack penalty.
I made this mod primarily because I felt the Helicopter Gunship was an interesting idea, but poorly implemented in the current game. A melee unit that is vulnerable to aircraft, with no terrain defensive bonuses, it seemed to me like a weaker Modern Tank taking up precious Aluminum resources. I also didn't like previous era ranged units being promoted to melee units (Horse Archer to Knights, making any ranged Promotion Useless? No thank you.)

The main concept of these changes (and the new unit) is a "Submarine on land" (without the invisibility). Both Helicopters are hunters on land, with the ability to move in and out of range and strike.
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Bevel Lemelisk
First release
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4.00 star(s) 2 ratings
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