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Hukkak Revised Extra Civs 2016-10-05

19 Civilizations revised from Hukkak's Extra Civs Pack to run under version

Version 4 now available here.

Only Version 3 available via the in-game mod browser since ModBuddy now crashes whenever I try to connect to GameSpy to upload.

2011-3-2 minor. Fix various text issues and descriptions (version 4)
2011-2-22 Fix Ethiopian Palace (version 3)

Assyria (Ashurbanipal) - Fertile Crescent Warriors: Double gold from plundering barbarian encampments, 20 % combat bonus during golden ages. Assyrian Bowman replaces Archer - 1 Extra range damage and improved healing rate. Karum replaces Market - 10 % food bonus on top of regular market's 25 % gold increase.

Byzantine (Justinian) - Holy Crusaders: 25 % chance to convert land barbarians and gain a small amount of culture from all kills. Cataphract replaces Knight - 2 extra strength and earns extra experience from offensive attacks. Hippodrome replaces Stable - Gives a culture bonus and a larger increase to mounted unit production.

Dutch (Willem Von Oranje) - World Traders: Double quantities of spices, ivory, dye, pearls, and furs. Naval units gain extra sight II. Fluyts replace Frigate - Can enter rival territory and 7 moves per turn. Dutch Watermill replaces Watermill - Costs no maintenance and builds faster than a watermill.

Ethiopia (Haile Selassie) - Cradle of Mankind: Cities produce buildings 10 % faster if the capitol has already built one and +2 culture from strategic resources. Oromo Warrior replaces Musketman - Builds much faster and ignores terrain movement cost. Stele replaces Monument - Double the culture bonus of normal monument.

Harappan (Madaragavan) - Blessing of the Indus Valley: 5 % bonus to food and production in all cities, and 25 % less unhappiness from population. Harappan Swordsman replaces Swordsman - Slightly stronger and has a small bonus vs mounted units. Harappan Library replaces Library - Costs no gold maintenance and gives more science bonus.

Hittite (Suppiluliuma) - Anatolian Defenders: 15 % great scientist generation and free promotion Homelands(15% friendly lands bonus) to all archer, gun, and helicopter units. Hittite War Chariot replaces Archer - Slightly stronger, takes less production, extra sight I, and small bonus vs mounted units. Iron Forge replaces Forge - 10 % bonus to food production on top of the regular forge bonus.

Holy Roman (Charlemagne) - The Reichstag: 20 % reduction to unhappiness penalty from number of cities, and +15 % combat experience for all units. Teutonic Knight replaces Knight - Has 2 extra strength and starts with Pious promotion (healing bonus). Rathaus replaces Castle - Gives a defensive bonus and 20 % increase to culture.

Inca (Huayna Capac) - Glory of Init: 10% wonder production bonus, and recieve a free great engineer upon discovery of astronomy. Huaracas replace Archers - Has 2 more combat strength and ranged strength than an archer and ignores terrain cost. Terrace replaces Barracks - Gives 2 bonus to food and culture.

Khmer (Jayavarman II) - Spiritual Architecture: 25 % bonus to great person generation, and 10 % bonus to production in all cities. Ballista Elephant replaces Chariot Archer - Has 1 extra range and extra sight I. Baray replaces Granary - Only gives a +1 bonus to food but gives +1 culture and +15 % food yield. Costs more gold than a regular granary.

Korea (Wang Kon) - Ancient Scholars: 20 % great people production and +2 science from strategic resources. Hwacha replaces Catapult - 2 Extra range damage and 1 extra movement. Seowon replaces University - 60 % science bonus and +2 science from jungle tiles.

Mali (Mansa Musa) - Desert Fortunes: +1 gold from all trade routes, and +2 gold from all strategic resources. Skirmisher replaces Spearman - Bonus to defending and +1 healing inside friendly terrain. Mali Forge replaces Forge - 15 % bonus to land unit production, and 10 % bonus to gold.

Maya (Pacal) - Jungle Fervor: All cities gain 10 % science bonus and strategic resources give a 2 science bonus. Holkans replace Spearman - Double movement in forest/jungle tiles and partially heals on an enemy kill. Ball Court replaces Colosseum - Costs slightly less maintenance while granting the same 4 happiness bonus and an additional 2 culture.

Mughal (Akbar) - Imperial Dynasty: 20% improvement to city-state bonuses and relations, and 5 % gold bonus to all cities. Mughal War Elephant replaces Knight - Has 3 extra strength and starts with 10 % bonus to city attack. Mughal Garden replaces Garden - Gives only 15 % great person production bonus but also gives a 15 % bonus to plot culture costs and an extra great artist slot.

Portugal (Henry the Navigator) - Age of Discovery. +30 % golden age duration, 10 % reduction in plot buying costs, and free great merchant with discovery of navigation. Carrack replaces Caravel - Has 2 extra strength, 1 extra movement. Feitoria replaces Market - 10% more gold bonus than a market, and has a small defense bonus.

Sioux (Sitting Bull) - Lakota Revenge: Receive a free great general upon discovery of horseback riding. +10 % great general bonus/rate, 10 % policy cost reduction. Lakota Rider replaces Cavalry - Has 1 extra strength and ignores terrain cost. Totem replaces Monument - +2 culture and +10 experience to all units.

Spain (Isabella) - The Spanish Armada: 10 % great general production, embarked units can defend themselves, and 33 % chance to convert sea barbarians. Conquistador replaces Cavalry - 20 % attack bonus in rough terrain. Citadel replaces Castle - 25 % more defense bonus than a regular castle.

Sumeria (Gilgamesh) - Dawn of Agriculture: 15% food yield bonus in all cities. Vultures replace warriors. Starts with extra sight I and 30 % open terrain bonus. Ziggurat replaces Temple - Gives a 15 % bonus to great person production.

Viking (Harald Hardrada) - Seafaring Warriors: All combat units start with amphibious and 25 % chance to convert sea barbarians. Berserker replaces Swordsman - 30 % attack bonus against cities. Trading Post replaces Harbor - Slightly higher naval production bonus and only costs 1 gold maintenance.

Zulu (Shaka Zulu) - Warriors of the Sky: Melee, mounted, and archer units do extra damage against wounded enemies. Impi replace Spearman - moves and heals faster than regular spearman. Ikhanda replaces Barracks - Costs slightly more to build, but grants 1 production bonus and 20 unit experience instead of 15.
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