
  1. Recursive

    Diplo AI - Approach Calculation (4-7 Beta Patch)

    Since there's been a fair amount of discussion about AI aggression going on, I figured I might as well post the approach calculation. The approach calculation is how the AI decides whether to plan WAR or be HOSTILE, GUARDED, DECEPTIVE, AFRAID, FRIENDLY or NEUTRAL towards other players. This...
  2. Recursive

    Community Ideas: VP Leader-Specific Diplomacy

    Hello all, For this beta version I added some diplomatic approach weight to three leaders: Montezuma, Gandhi and Ashurbanipal. As of yet, there doesn't seem to be any complaints about this, and it seems to be performing well, so I'd like to expand this and give each leader their own unique...
  3. Recursive

    Vox Populi Diplomacy Feedback

    Hello all, Diplomacy has always been one of the key foundations of the Civilization game experience, and a core component of player immersion. I have somewhat of a fascination with the diplomacy mechanics, and I've recently taken a particular interest in improving the Civilization V diplomacy...
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