civ6 ui

  1. Ace Cooper

    Next City Plot by Ace v2.3 2016-11-14

    This mod is not as valuable since Civilization 6 update (game v1.0.0.38) as of 2016-11-18 already includes the feature to show the next tile a city will grow to. However, if I find some inspiration to extend the features of the vanilla game - I will come up with version 3.x of this mod. Please...
  2. bcaiko

    Increase number of city states?

    In the Civ5 advanced option, there is a slider to adjust the number of city states in the game. I often liked adding an additional AI to the map and a few more city states to increase closeness and conflict in games. I don't see an option to adjust the city state number in Civ6. Am I missing...
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