
  1. M

    [BNW] Removing Nukes (Unresolved)

    Hey all, I'm looking to achieve the following things through XML: 1) (easy) Change the "Jeans" dialogue/screen. I can't for the life of me find the localization/tag for it. Done! 2) (harder) I want to delete Atomic Bombs, Nuclear Missile, Bomb Shelters, and the Manhattan Project. As in...
  2. Infixo

    SQL DELETE question

    Hi there. Is there a way to delete rows from a table which MIGHT NOT exist without getting any errors or warnings (I know that SQLite doesn't support stored procedures, so cannot use IF).
  3. B

    Civ VII missing must have feature ability to raze districts

    After two patches I see that ability to raze districts is still missing and this is must have thing in game! After I see that we cannot raze delete districts I practically stop play Civ VI and back to V + slow AI speed My option is that we must have delete option for districts because In begin...
  4. H

    Deleting unit won't give me cash

    I've deleted some units (pikeman, crossbowman) in my own territory, and got no cash. It's always given me it in the past. Is there some requirement for this to work? A certain government type etc? Or does it stop working on higher levels? (I'm playing at a higher difficulty level than before).
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