
  1. pineappledan

    So... LEKMod opened up a Patreon

    LEKMod has started a patreon to raise money for continued work on their multiplayer civ V mod. For those not in the know, LEKmod is an offshoot of the older NQmod which is a complete overhaul mod that prioritizes civ V multiplayer balance. The modders have lifted dozens of entire custom civs...
  2. Kyriakos

    Best ancient greek tragic playwriter?

    I sadly have only read one work from each of the three: Euripedes, The Bacchai Aeschylos, Prometheus bound Sophocles, Oedipus All three works are incredible, imo. Certainly all three are part of the classics of literature, and probably those are the most acclaimed/known works by each of the...
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