egypt map

  1. MaisseArsouye

    Egypt 2004-11-26

    Here's a map of Egypt. It's made with bmptobic and a good document from the last Geo. The map is 165X255, with coast tiles for Nile ( and rivers for irrigation ).
  2. SuperBeaverInc.

    Land of the Bible 2016-10-05

    Here's a map of Nile Delta, Israël, Palestine, Jordan and Lebanon. I hope someone will use it for some ineresting Bible or modern Israël scenario. Type : BIQ Size : 159X177 Ressources : random
  3. SuperBeaverInc.

    Egypt, Nubia, and Crete 2016-10-05

    Here's a map of Egypt, Nubia plus some special features. This map is designed for a scenario about the second intermediary period. Size : 115X180 ( 80% sea + desert + mountains ) Ressources : random eccept wine, oil and gold No starting locs I added two islands that shouldn't be on...
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