fan fiction

  1. U

    Alpha Centauri: University Base - A 25th Anniversary Fan Series

    Hello everyone, long-time lurker here, and a huge fan of SMAC since ye olden days - from before the turn of the century. Never stopped playing it, although my free time (what is that anyway?) reduced considerably since the 90s ':) Our favorite game is turning 25 this year (February 9th...
  2. Kahotep

    Isla Nublar 1.0

    Located off the western coast of Costa Rica, the tropical island of Isla Nublar is infamous for its treacherous terrain and hostile inhabitants. But those willing to brave the perils of the jungle will find a rewarding abundance of exotic resources such as ivory and amber. Also, keep an eye on...
  3. Thorvald of Lym

    SHTAR WORZ - ReTour ov teh CHEDDAR

    oh.... i didint se u ther, adornig fans, iv bin sew bussy wit me septicular ritnig careir! seeking ov witch, wood yew lik sum moar............ SHATR WORZ????? In the black emptiness, two lines of blue text suddenly appear: A short while ago in a galaxy you're all familiar with . . . . They...
  4. Thorvald of Lym

    SHTAR WORZ - Teh EMporer stirkes BAUc

    Sup ma homeyz Th0rv@1dUb3rR0XX0R hear wit hmy SEAUQAL 2 teh GR8EST FNAFIC EVARR!!!!1! In the black emptiness, two lines of blue text suddenly appear: A short while ago in a galaxy you're all familiar with . . . . They linger for a while, long enough that the average viewer can...
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