• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

new assets

  1. D

    Civilization III Conquests Plus

    Civilization III Conquests Plus ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Download Link: https://forums.civfanatics.com/resources/civilization-iii-conquests-plus-finished.31207/ Civilization III Conquest with most of the Conquests Scenarios...
  2. MaverickMods

    [BNW] New Pokemon Civilizations - Real Pokemon have arrived in Civ 5

    New Pokemon Civilizations (Alpha release) Part 1 DOWNLOAD KANTO CIV (GEN 1) DOWNLOAD ALOLA CIV (GEN 7) Command 30+ Pokemon in each Civ! Generous output from Unique Buildings! Generally more powerful units than their vanilla counterparts! Compete with, team-up, or...
  3. washy

    How to add new assets, step by step

    I was struggling for some hours to get everything rigth for adding new assets, so i made a recopilation of the steps i take 1/ Install Git: https://gitforwindows.org/ 2/ Install unity: https://unity3d.com/unity/whats-new/2020.3.25 3/ You need this only if you want to see and edit the game...
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