
  1. S

    Online speed movement optimization mod request

    Initially, the balance was optimized for the standard game speed, but it is too slow for online games. Online speed doubles almost everything in the game except unit movement points and governor speed. Therefore, there is an imbalance in the network game - military victory in FFA is completely...
  2. H

    Play Civ1 Online?

    All, Apologies if this is answered somewhere else, but since URL removed. The_J disappeared, I haven’t been able to find another site online to play Civ1. Any pointers would be greatly appreciated, I loved playing it on my iPad when I travel! Thanks in advance, HamNCheese
  3. C

    Is there any interest in a stable Vox Populi LAN/Internet experience?

    Hi! After playing Vox Populi with friends since 2018, I find it difficult to play the new versions by myself. Unfortunately, my group has had issues with early crashes in newer versions using the "MP_MODPACK" method of playing online multiplayer. Crashes / desyncs have always been an issue, but...
  4. Vodkaholic

    Browser turn based Civ like strategy

    Long time reader, first-time poster... After the covid we have played a few online Risk games with my colleagues, which very fun! However, they seemed to involve too much luck and were not super strategic. I enjoy games like Civilization, but they are sooo long... So I thought I could make...
  5. T

    Online Multiplayer combat is completely broken

    Simply put. Whoever loads first, wins. This is generally the host. This an issue with 'real time combat', Who ever loads first simply makes all their attacks first before you can get a click in, leaving your army in tatters. (I like to call this 'load cheating') The solution? In online...
  6. S

    Civ 6 ally combat cam

    I remember in Civ 5 if an ally attacked or was attacked the camera would pan to show the fight. Now, i realize some people hated it but i always thought it was a really neat feature. Im playing an allied online match with my girlfriend in Civ 6 but i notice there is no camera pan for us in the...
  7. Sammy carter

    New to online. Vet player

    I've played all the civs. But never played online against others. Looking for someone or group to play a game. I prefer long games ( getting into future tech and all that). My steam id is chrisq8099. Hit me up, I can't wait to play other players.
  8. T

    [BTS] Can a pre-Steam copy of Civ play online with a Steam copy?

    By 'pre-Steam' I mean a copy of Civ that I bought before everything was bought through Steam. I even have the box. :) Basically, I bought the humble bundle and want to give my Civ 4 copy to a friend so we can play together (he is a Civ newbie. Has played TW though). However, if we couldn't...
  9. G

    [] Crash when trying to reload a LAN game in online mode

    I started a game with 2 friends in LAN mode, we played it locally for a few days but did not finished it, so we wanted to conclude it online. But when trying to load the save in the online section, the game simply crashes. That's weird, cause if it wasn't supposed to work, the save shouldn't...
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