
  1. Quintillus

    What are your winter outdoors hobbies?

    Back when I was younger, the answer was pretty much "none, I play Civ all winter long." Ohio winters are cloudy and kind of depressing, sometimes you get snow and it's beautiful, but just as often it'll be 37 degrees and rainy (3 degrees for the Celsius folks). Civ offered reliable conditions...
  2. Balthasar

    Winter Terrain C3C update 2016-10-05

    An expansion pack for the PTW Winter Terrain that Embryodead made for it back in 2003! Thanks to King Arthur for remembering/resurrecting the original post. At that time, Embryodead wrote: Put these files into "Winter Terrain/Art/Terrain" folder. This is what you will get: - snowy marshes (a...
  3. Nuclear Winter

    Nuclear Winter

    My favorite Civ3 screenshot, this was taken from my first game of Conquests. I am using the Winter terrain mod, and my tanks are rolling across a landscape that has been blasted by nukes.
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