Anyone Got a Spare Rental?

To mew these are two different problems.

How to deal with negative equity is a problem. It seems the US has a solution (jingle mail), but I do not understand the details.

This is really where perception matters. If you are going to stay living in your house it makes no difference how much it is worth. If you are going to be selling it to buy a better house you are better off if house prices fall. You are only worse off if you want to live in a cheaper house than you currently have, or want to sell and not buy another.

It's retirement here. In USA it's 401k here it's property.

Or it's a deposit on a better house. Eg I can sell this dump and have a small mortgage on something a lot better.

Or you sell up and move somewhere cheaper either retirement, different country or smaller town.

If my house devalued by a third I would still make double what we paid for it with change left over. But some people would get screwed.

Not saying the mentality is right or wrong but I get it.
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