Extended Age Lengths Mod (Easy To Customise)

Piglet The Brave

Feb 6, 2025
This is a mod to increase the Age lengths (effectively turn limits) without also increasing the research/building times - meaning you will have more chance of getting to the end of the research trees.

There are three separate mods - one for each age. The game actually uses the same turn limits for all three Ages (currently), but I made three separate mods just in case that changes, or maybe people want to make one Age longer than the others.

These are the default developer set turn limits,


And this is what I increased them too (I simply added 40 to each Age),


These values are for Standard game speed, however if you choose epic or marathon in the map setup screen the game will scale them up as expected (I think it adds +50% for Epic and +200% for Marathon).

These values are easy to edit so please feel free to change them for your personal preference. All you need to do is go into the Data folder of each Age of the mod and edit the GlobalParameters.xml in notepad,

/Extended Age Length Antiquity/Data/GlobalParameters.xml
/Extended Age Length Exploration/Data/GlobalParameters.xml
/Extended Age Length Modern/Data/GlobalParameters.xml


Unzip the file and put the three folders in the Civ VII mods folder. When finished you should have three separate mods in the main mod folder (one for each age).

Normal Folder Location and structure;
C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Firaxis Games\Civ VII\Mods\Extended Age Length Antiquity\
C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Firaxis Games\Civ VII\Mods\Extended Age Length Exploration\
C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Firaxis Games\Civ VII\Mods\Extended Age Length Modern\


Going to give this a try, my game ages keep ending before all tech gets researched, especially modern age.
Keep in mind that leaders reaching various Legacy path milestones and other in-game events (such as a civ being defeated) will add a chunk to the Age progression in the top left corner, meaning it’s always possible to reach the end of the age before the turn limit has been hit.
Keep in mind that leaders reaching various Legacy path milestones and other in-game events (such as a civ being defeated) will add a chunk to the Age progression in the top left corner, meaning it’s always possible to reach the end of the age before the turn limit has been hit.
yeah I just had that happen to me. Antiquity ended at turn 171 on standard.
I disabled all victory strategies and buildings in the modern age besides the military legacy path, and all AI seems to follow also this military path (result from the AI_tactics logs). But they never reached the operation ivy project, because especially the technologies which adds points on the science legacy path are of course researched on the way and adds to much age progression.

I think it's currently very unbalanced and they will change in in the future, but a mod which reduce the age progression would be very interesting
Just a suggestion. The downside of lengthening ages is your crises will also last longer and I'm not really sure if the added turns will provide equivalent opportunity to allow player to combat it better over time.

Eg. if standard is changed from 200 -> 240, you'll have 72 turns of crisis up from 60. So might be worth also adjusting so crises start at 75% etc

I hate crises, so I'm nerfing them either way:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
            <Set AgeProgressTriggerPercent="75" AgeProgressEndPercent="83" />
            <Where Stage="1" />
            <Set AgeProgressTriggerPercent="83" AgeProgressEndPercent="92" />
            <Where Stage="2" />
            <Set AgeProgressTriggerPercent="92" AgeProgressEndPercent="100" />
            <Where Stage="3" />
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