
Hall of Fame Staff
GOTM Staff
Oct 13, 2015
The Boonies of Central Michigan

While the general Hall of Fame is an ongoing competition, we like to run time-definite competitions between updates that we call Gauntlets. Standard Hall of Fame rules (*) still apply, but any games meeting the settings will be counted towards the Gauntlet.
(*) Please read the >> HOF rules << BEFORE playing!

  • Expansion: Brave New World
  • Victory Condition: Diplomacy (though all victory conditions must be enabled)
  • Difficulty: King
  • Map Size: Small
  • Map Type: Highlands
  • Speed: Quick
  • Leader: Rome (Augustus Caesar)
  • Opponents: Any
  • Version: SV8
  • Date: 2nd to 30th September 2024
The earliest finish date wins, with score as a tiebreaker.

@The_J @Blake00
Umm, I am a dozen turns away from winning this, and have discovered the whole map & there are only 10 city-states.. there should be 12? So does that mean this won't qualify? I think it's a map generation issue, and if anything it's harder to win diplomacy with less city-states right? :huh:
Edit: I have read in the forum that a fewer number of city-states spawning does not necessarily prevent acceptance since it is often unavaoidable!

I have also discovered that my autosaves did not save except for this week's playtime (despite me having 1200 autosaves in settings, and I played half the game last week!);
Winning on turn 197 (1854) means I need saves from turn 133, turn 67 - however saves only go back to turn 141, so I have uploaded that and a manual save from turn 95!
Hopefully this is acceptable - if not - I understand :blush:
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Umm, I am a dozen turns away from winning this, and have discovered the whole map & there are only 10 city-states.. there should be 12? So does that mean this won't qualify? I think it's a map generation issue, and if anything it's harder to win diplomacy with less city-states right? :huh:
Edit: I have read in the forum that a fewer number of city-states spawning does not necessarily prevent acceptance since it is often unavaoidable!

I have also discovered that my autosaves did not save except for this week's playtime (despite me having 1200 autosaves in settings, and I played half the game last week!);
Winning on turn 197 (1854) means I need saves from turn 133, turn 67 - however saves only go back to turn 141, so I have uploaded that and a manual save from turn 95!
Hopefully this is acceptable - if not - I understand :blush:
A couple of things...

First, as you found, maps sometimes do not have the correct number of City States, and nobody knows exactly why. However, it is often true that the correct number were GENERATED by the map-script, but some just failed to settle a city. (I actually found one wandering through the wilderness in one game, captured it for a worker.) In any case, the submission process is that the games are checked by data-base query/program (I don't know what its proper name might be, so I call it a "parser") that flags games with too few City States. Below is an example of what I see:

The columns from "Tuner" on to the right are each related to the HOF rules (I think Tuner is a Civ IV thing). As you can see, this game properly a) used no mods, b) has all 5 victory options enabled, and so on. But, this was a HUGE game, and it had only 16 City States (instead of 24). Therefore, the parser would not accept this game, as it didn't conform with that particular rule.

So, if the parser reads the correct number from the map (even though you didn't find them all), then the game can be accepted. If the parser says "the correct number were not generated" (as above), then the parser won't let the game in.

The second thing is, I already see a game submitted by you, and its City State count is okay. So if that is the game you are referencing, no worries there.

I have a question about the autosaves, I'll PM you.
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