Making a Clone of Civ II

What's the status of the game?
Funnily enough @axx dropped by the Civ2 discord just 2 weeks ago and gave us an update.. it's a publicly accessible place so hopefully he'll be fine with me copying his post below for curious folks here...

Don't know how many have been following this project
A lot of work has been done recently, you can load a game it should draw a map, you can move around. The game is running on a loop with 60 fps, this is a big change compared to the original which was static - event based.
I asked him about a sharable demo (for non programmers to check out) we can use to show off their work..
I'll probably do some sort of an update when the game gets in a quasi playable state. Right now there's not much to show off in terms of gameplay, but ruebene has been really pushing hard to get this project going.
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Great to see the project is progressing steadily on Github.

I have a question about Civ2/ToT's engine. What graphic API does Civ2/ToT use? PCGamingwiki page( mentions WinG and Direct3D at the same time. But which one exactly?
Also what graphic API will this Civ2 clone project use?
Is the game playable yet? It is one of the greatest undertakings in abandonware history and I hope it will not die. Especially seeing the success of Augustus for Caesar III!
It's nowhere near playable in terms of the original, but you can move around, attack, build cities. You can also load ToT sav now and start scenarios. You'll have to build it to try it out, but best wait a bit more I'm in the process of fixing various bugs.
I tried to load the game and I succeed but was not able to attack (maybe I wasn't in a war?) and I was able to move enemy units / view enemy cities. I'd love to see this project finished but I have no idea how to help and I am rather terrified by git. Bugs are the least concern for me - everything can be polished with time ("you can move units of AI? For now you can try to ignore them"). However, I find it much more motivating if you can have the game in somewhat playable state and use that hype to built on it ("sure there is no Technology progression and sea is treated as a grassland but you can actually play against the worst AI in history").
Well that's why I'm not hyping anything. I try to work on it whenever I can and there's really only two of us on this project, but a lot has been done already.
BTW here's a side by side comparison of Blake's homm scen. The blurry fonts are a thing of the engine we're using, we'll probably have to switch to a different font renderer down the line.
Well that's why I'm not hyping anything. I try to work on it whenever I can and there's really only two of us on this project, but a lot has been done already.
I am hyped and I think every Civ2 fan should be! Of course, no pressure on you - you are working free of charge for the benefit of the community so from our side we should provide nothing but gratitude (we are entitled to nothing and yet already the project looks amazing). But if there is anything that could speed out the work feel free to mention that and maybe we can help with that, at least partially. I keep asking about the progress / clear milestones because I believe that could help to get more people on the project but if you see better path forward - you are the boss here :)
Consider this another vote of support and encouragement. I have the same nostalgia for the game and actually I think it would be a good foundation for certain research I want to undertake on AI agents.
Hi there, I'm newly registered but a long time fan of the Civ series. Most recently spent plenty of time on Civ 6 but Civ II has a special place in my heart - I still have an XP Machine under my desk with it installed - the old stuff is still great for a rainy weekend indoors! :D

Anyway, I loved reading this story and seeing the amazing progress you've made in building this clone. It's honestly really impressive! I'm a software engineer of ~15 years based in the UK and I'd love to see if I can help you out a bit now our summer's over and we're gonna be hitting our long, cold English winter! My main background is in .NET Core for Enterprises, although more recently I get pulled in a lot of directions at work, mess around with AWS a lot and get way less time programming than I'd like day-to-day. I don't really have any experience building games so to speak, but when I get a bit more time, I'll grab your code and have a root around, see how quick I can get it up and running, ask some questions and see if I can help out on some things. Working on an open source collaboration like this will give me a shot at keeping those .NET skills active, and contributing to something I'd love to see take off :)
Hi all, I'm just looking to sort out making a rudimentary AI for this, does anyone have a good reference for what drives the AI attitude to the player and the players reputation?
It's been a little while thanks to some work drama before Christmas. But I've got around to getting a version of the Civ 2 code from GitHub and got it to run on my machine :)
I've taken a fork of the repository on my personal GitHub for the moment (sirloreal is my handle) but do you tend to make branches and pull requests directly on the repository or merge from forked master? Happy to work however you prefer if you can set me up with the necessary permissions to collaborate.

Now to do a little debugging ;)
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It's been a little while thanks to some work drama before Christmas. But I've got around to getting a version of the Civ 2 code from GitHub and got it to run on my machine :)
I've taken a fork of the repository on my personal GitHub for the moment (sirloreal is my handle) but do you tend to make branches and pull requests directly on the repository or merge from forked master? Happy to work however you prefer if you can set me up with the necessary permissions to collaborate.

Now to do a little debugging ;)
I tend to work in my fork and then make a PR from my master to axx0's master branch, I think axx0 works directly on his master branch. I usually pull in his locally and make sure its working before I make a PR.

We usually post what we're working on if it's something larger in the discussions or issues on github, so we don't double up on work but we don't always do this for smaller fixes.
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