Some good data about races and techs


Gandhi of the Mongols
Sep 6, 2006
San Jose, CA
I just picked up the Ultimate edition on the Steam sale, and found that the expansions have made this game much more interesting than it was originally.

But I got so frustrated by the horrible lack of information - real comparisons of the tech trees, solid info on what tech trees lead to what strengths and weaknesses, etc.

The worst problem was the total lack of information on what you really get from researchign a tech: So it gives a starbase module - what kind of module is it and for what kind of starbase? It gives a planetary facility - is it a wonder, a superproject, a one-per-planet? How does it compare with what I have now?

So I extracted a bunch of the xml files into csv, threw them into a database, and massaged them. If I upload the results here, would anyone use them?

Examples: How many unique technologies does each racial tree have? In general how non-generic is each tree (weighted by the sum of the squares of the rarity of each tech in it)? How do its normal planetary facilities compare in each category (economy, industry, etc.) What does a fully-developed starbase of each type look like for it?
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