Sponsor-specific quests?


Sep 10, 2014
I think CIV BE should have several sponsor-specific quests, each with branching affinity options. Good idea?
That would be really neat, especially if tied into the affinity quests. I could see the African Union going into Supremacy for very different reasons than, let's say the Slavic Federation and hence reinforce the whole "future of humanity" theme and the slightly different perspective the factions have.
Sort of been taking a break from CivBE to play Endless Legends. The game has many great features, most obvious being its superior map style (to me anyway).

One thing that makes it really great is the varied Civs (all be it they each have too many small perks instead of one bigger perk, which I prefer from Civ). What makes the varied Civs even greater is the Civ-specific quest lines. Its where the quest system shines its most in Endless Legend. I would love to see this sort of progressive quest system show itself off in Civ BE, as long as the choices are varied enough.
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