Ugly fonts and UI bugs


Nov 1, 2001
The in-game fonts that I see are really jaggy. Even with "smooth screen fonts" turned on as suggested they look almost like trying to print graphics with a daisy-wheel printer :) (That's "really horrible" for the young folks) After forcing the resolution to the desktop default (1600x1200) (why isn't this an ingame option?) the situation is improved, but not really fixed at all. I.e. the fonts are small and jaggy instead of large and jaggy. Any thoughts? Is there a magic font to install?

Also, I seem to get some buggy behaviour in the special UI screens. Text will often overflow onto the frame, or just appear misaligned.

Outline of my system:
TBird - 1.1GHz
512 MB Ram
Win2K SP2
GF2-GTS-PRO Video Card (tried beta and stock drivers)
SBLive Value.

I have encountered this problem several times with customers. We are apparently working on a fix, however on some computers you can fix this just by disabling 3rd party apps: Win9x/ME/XP goto Start Menu>Run>Type MSCONFIG, switch to Selective Startup, and uncheck Load Startup Group items.

Hope this helps! :D

Infogrames, Inc
Tech Support North America
I neglected to see what kind of system you had! :D

You most likely have a Via Chipset if it is a KT board for your Athlon. Make sure you are running the latest drivers for your motherboard from (4in1).

Update to DetonatorXP 21.83 and even though it is not a problem with your sound card, make sure the drivers are DirectX 8.0 compatible.

If you look in the other thread I made I listed all sorts of stuff you can check through. (Civilization III (Please Read))

Infogrames, Inc
Tech Support North America
i have the same problem.

it is best explained at the main menu. the text for the button is looking like crap but is readable, the copyright note at the button can hardly be defined as readable letters.

i have enabled smooth screen fonts, and i have the latest detonator drivers. i also made sure directx 8.0a is installed.

my system:
P3 450
asus p3b-f mb
256 MB RAM
diamond viper 770 TNT2
sb live
win 98
Thanks for your reply. Unfortunately it's not likely a driver issue. I'm currently using the stock 21.83 nVidia drivers, I've got the latest 4-in-1 drivers (4.35) for my A7V mobo. SB drivers are up to date and I've even re-installed DX8.0a.

I have less than 200 fonts installed so the extreme font problem likely isn't the cause. I haven't tried removing/replacing the "lucida sans" fonts as some have suggested. Maybe I'll try that later.

I'll just hope for a fix....
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